dc.description.abstract | Tytuł niniejszej rozprawy: Od perwersji do wzniosłości – tropem transgresji w
młodopolskich utworach literackich, odzwierciedla złożone i nieoczywiste
napięcie tworzące jeden z najciekawszych wątków zarówno w literaturze, jak i –
szerzej – w kulturze, filozofii, sztuce. Ufundowane na tym napięciu korespondencje
perwersji i wzniosłości, a co za tym idzie sfery sacrum i profanum, widziane
przez pryzmat transgresji – są przedmiotem moich refleksji, które mają
charakter rekonesansu i nie wyczerpują podjętego zagadnienia, niemniej jest to
rekonesans oświetlający kluczową – w moim przekonaniu – dynamikę
wzajemnego przenikania się perwersji i wzniosłości, a także to, w jaki sposób
najpełniej się one wyrażają i co stanowi ich istotę.
Wspomniane wzajemne przenikanie się dwóch kontrastujących ze sobą obszarów,
ich dwubiegunowa rozbieżność i paradoksalna bliskość, namacalne w
kulturze, religiach, obyczajowości ślady ich koegzystencji – wszystko to sprawia,
że splot perwersji i wzniosłości staje się intrygującym przedmiotem badań.
Intuicyjny początkowo gest ich zestawienia otwiera – przy bliższym przyjrzeniu
się kwestii – szerokie perspektywy poznawcze. | pl |
dc.description.abstract | The proposed topic of my dissertation: „From perversion to the sublime –
on the transgression in Young Poland’s literary works” is a reflection of what, in
my opinion, forms part of one of the most interesting topics in literature, as well
as in art, philosophy, culture. The correspondence of these two qualities and thus
of the spheres of the sacred and the profane – the way in which they interpenetrate,
the way in which they most fully express themselves, their essence – will be the
subject of my reflections.
The literature of Young Poland’s period is saturated with images and
content, the provenance of which is usually sought in late French Romanticism,
or, more precisely – among forerunners of European modernism, especially
among such poets as Baudelaire, Rimbaud or Verlain. Works on which Young
Poland’s writers were reared, today, to a large extent, faded into oblivion.
However, in everyday consciousness there is a firm conviction that this
period not only moved the art from the heights of salon to vulgar climates, but
primarily was full of incredible excesses, delirious visions, or perversion-dripping
orgies. What seemed to be the norm in eccentric, debauched Paris, in the
environment of god-fearing Poles had to induce shock – at least aesthetic one...
A similar shock is arguably evoked among many people because of the
juxtaposition of the two concepts that are the topic of my considerations:
perversion and the sublime. At first glance, any attempt to juxtapose them has to
seem absurd. So why the idea of conducting a detailed analysis based on the
literary and cultural messages? Why does an individual undertake a risky – in
every age – behaviour of transgressing oneself and what does this lead to? Is there
a gap at the intersection of the sacred and the profane, through which one can
touch the impossible? This, what lies both in crime and in holiness, in the
executioner and the victim, eroticism and death.
The interpenetration of these two figures, their bipolarity and paradoxical
proximity, traces of their co-existence visible in culture, religions, customs – all
this makes the perverse and the sublime turn out to be a much more interesting
area of study than erotic hedonism, so often mentioned by researchers of Young
But before we set off to this dangerous journey – we should add: balancing on
the edge always carries the risk of falling... – I have to provide a few clarifications.
First of all, definitional ones. They cause – as it seems – most confusion. Especially
perversion. Analyzing several definitions (presenting them will take a huge part of
the first chapter of my dissertation), I feel certain lack. Most of them obsessively
revolve around sexual activities, not exactly specifying what could be regarded as a
perversion nowadays. And the issue seems to be a little deeper.
Looking at this from the perspective of semiotics, at this point I therefore
propose a working (my own) definition of the perversion – as a specific cultural
code that allows an atypical individual to communicate with the outside world.
And the term „transgression” I understand as a refined motion of
transcension, undertaken by the individual, aiming at cognitive, spiritual, or
religious development, basing upon conviction that a man, to achieve the highest
level of „inner experience” must balance on the border manifesting itself in
experiences commonly considered extreme.
Entering this boggy terrain, I use first of all Georges Bataille’s ideas, as
well as an extensive commentary to his ideas by his most prominent promoter in
Poland – Krzysztof Matuszewski – a philosopher and a translator from Łódź, who
devoted his habilitation thesis Invocations of perdition to Bataille’s ideas.
I will also use a psychological system known as psychotransgressionism,
developed by Józef Kozielecki. He stated that the aim of the transgression is that
„a passion of continuous crossing borders has a metaphysical dimension; it
involves, among others hope of infinity”.
The researcher complementing the ideas on transgression will be Karl
Jaspers with his theory of „limit situations”. | en |