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dc.contributor.authorOlszewski, Sławomirpl
dc.identifier.citationTeoria i praktyka oddziaływań profilaktyczno-wspierających rozwój osób z niepełnosprawnością wobec tradycji i innowacji. T. 4.1 / pod redakcją Grażyny Guni, Agnieszki Ochman i Małgorzaty Trojańskiej. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2017. - S. [249]-268pl
dc.description.abstractMotivation is one of the important indicators of the vocational functioning, both at the beginning of career, as well as during it. Getting to know the reasons for choosing and for staying in the profession may be an important objective activity for scientists and people responsible for the organization and quality of work. It is also a factor important in increasing work-efficiency, protecting against burnout in special education. In this publication presented are the results of research on motivation in special educators at the start of their career and important for staying in the profession, as well as the diversity of choices made in the context of the work-related behaviour and experience patterns.en
dc.subjectspecial educatoren
dc.subjectreasons for choosing and for staying in the professionen
dc.subjectwork-related behaviour and experience patternsen
dc.titleMotywy wyboru zawodu i trwania w zawodzie w kontekście przejawianych przez pedagogów specjalnych typów zachowań i przeżyć związanych z pracąpl
dc.title.alternativeReasons for choosing and for staying in the special educator profession – in the context of work-related behaviour and experience patternsen

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