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dc.contributor.authorTrojańska, Małgorzatapl
dc.contributor.authorBiernat, Mateuszpl
dc.identifier.citationTeoria i praktyka oddziaływań profilaktyczno-wspierających rozwój osób z niepełnosprawnością. T. 4.2. Konteksty indywidualne i środowiskowe / pod redakcją Katarzyny Parys, Magdaleny Pasteczki i Jacka Sikorskiego. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2017. - S. [238]-249pl
dc.description.abstractThe problems of people with psychological disorders are often forgotten or abandoned in the disputes of special pedagogy. It is widely believed that issues related to mental health are the domain of medical science. The situation of people with mental disorders is more difficult than in the case of other types of disability. Specificity of these disorders is often vague. Due to their etiology which is hard to identify, onset, multitude and variety of symptoms, dynamics of the disease progression, characteristics of remission and necessity of many months or even years of therapy, people suffering from mental disorders live on the margins of society much more frequently than other disabled people (cf. Brzezińska). The present article is aimed at pointing out the significance of the support for people during and after psychological crises from the special pedagogy perspective. Big excerpts of the text are the result of personal reflections, experience and thoughts of a person recovering from a psychological crisis.en
dc.subjectmental disordersen
dc.titleWieloaspektowe działania na rzecz profilaktyki i wsparcia osób zdrowiejących oraz zagrożonych kryzysem psychicznympl
dc.title.alternativeMulti-aspect preventive and supportive activity for recovering patients and those under the threat of a mental crisisen
dc.typeBook chapterpl

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