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dc.contributor.authorBiałobrzeska, Annapl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 94, Studia at Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia 3 (2011), s. [159]-163pl
dc.description.abstractThe outline of theoretical foundations for the development and realization of the educational projects is accompanied by an account of an interdisciplinary educational project which had the form of an urban game “Czytanie miasta” (The reading of the city) and was realized in the Lower Secondary School No. 1 in Swarzędz. In the light of the industrial development as well as the expansion of new media and popular culture it is worth to look for occasions for the development of social identity models in student’s closest environment and at the same time make him or her realize that traces of the past do exist in the contemporary tissue of the city. It will allow producing a new model of civic education based on regionalism.en
dc.title„Czytanie miasta” – projekt edukacyjny realizowany w klasie III Gimnazjum nr 1 w Swarzędzupl
dc.title.alternative„The reading of the city” – educational project realized in 3rd grade of Lower Secondary School No. 1 in Swarzędzen

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