Przeglądaj 2011, Studia ad Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia 3 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 20
Mistrz i nauczyciel – zaniedbany archetyp
(2011)The author of Mistrz i nauczyciel – zaniedbany archetyp (Master and teacher – the neglected archetype) discusses the problem of the teacher-student relationship. As the reference point serve various realizations of this ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 94. Studia at Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia 3
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -
Jak wprowadzać uczniów w kulturę polską i europejską? Wiedza a tożsamość
(2011)Answering the question posed in the title, the author assumes that the introduction in the field of knowledge will be taking place truly and honestly owing to the scientific knowledge, e.g. about the original context, ... -
Problem tożsamości z perspektywy polonistycznej (na podstawie literatury przedmiotu)
(2011)Polish language education, owing to problems connected with identity, received access to countless resources of information about human (as the subject and object of education) as well as the way he exists in the world. The ... -
Kształcenie międzykulturowe w gimnazjum. Na przykładzie tolerancji
(2011)The topic of the article relates to one of the aspects of contemporary humanistic education; namely, to the realization of objectives and tasks connected with the idea of intercultural education. Currently, in the reality ... -
Lekcja polskiego w płynnej nowoczesności. Uczeń jako aktor kulturowy
(2011)The author poses a question of the model of Polish language education required by contemporary students as well as diagnoses the situation of adolescents in the postmodern cultural environment. He also indicates the ... -
Model kompetentnego gimnazjalisty według założeń reformy – a stan rzeczywisty
(2011)The article Model kompetentnego gimnazjalisty według założeń reformy – a stan rzeczywisty (The model of a competent student of lower secondary school according to the reform assumptions and reality) aims at showing the ... -
Poszukiwanie tożsamości w przestrzeniach werbalno-ikonicznych, w sytuacji przymusu symbolicznego. W nawiązaniu do Reprodukcji Pierre'a Bourdieu i Jean-Claude'a Passerona
(2011)Reproduction (1970) by P. Bourdieu and J.C. Passeron is a well-known study of the transmission of legitimate culture within the educational system. The process is dominated by the linguistic criterion – “linguistic ... -
Rola wzorów i autorytetów postaci historycznych w kształtowaniu tożsamości uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych
(2011)The article presents the results of research conducted among students of upper secondary schools in Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The author discusses the problem of the creation of young people’s personal and national identity, ... -
Gimnazjalista w oczach gimnazjalisty
(2011)The author presents the results of an opinion poll conducted among lower secondary school students. The interviewees answered the question: Who a student of lower secondary school is? The analysis of the data shows the ... -
Nowe potrzeby na rynku pracy – nowa tożsamość uczniów i zadania nauczycieli w świetle projektów unijnych i matury z języka polskiego
(2011)New demands of the labour market create a different view on students’ identity and teachers’ tasks. The article presents them in the light of the EU projects and the matura examination in Polish. The focus is on the ... -
Zawód – uczeń. Samokształcenie gimnazjalistów w świetle badań empirycznych
(2011)The paper by Katarzyna Pławecka titled: Zawód – uczeń. Samokształcenie gimnazjalistów w świetle badań empirycznych (Studying as a profession. Self-education of lower secondary school students in the light of empirical ... -
Refleksje nad polonistyczną kompetencją uczennic i uczniów XXI wieku
(2011)It might seem that – using the terminology of a psychologist and philosopher Howard Gardner – mainly two intelligences (skills) are/should be developed during the Polish language lessons: linguistic and interpersonal ... -
Świadomość retoryczna uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych (w świetle badań empirycznych)
(2011)The essence of the article is constituted by the results of a poll conducted among students of upper secondary schools in Cracow. The poll was used to examine broadly defined rhetorical awareness treated as a set of ... -
Doświadczenie dawności i współczesność w przestrzeni miasta. Jak kształtować postawy obywatelskie, realizując projekty edukacyjne?
(2011)In the times of widespread aspirations for globalization it is necessary to undertake actions that will incorporate education with glocalisational phenomena i.e. phenomena which combine locality and globality. The article ... -
Wpływ ministerialnego rozporządzenia o ocenianiu na postawy epistemologiczne i aksjologiczne uczniów gimnazjum
(2011)The development of information technology provokes a constant reflection on the relationships between the extra-institutional and school systems of the acquisition of the Polish language competencies. The system’s attempt ... -
„Czytanie miasta” – projekt edukacyjny realizowany w klasie III Gimnazjum nr 1 w Swarzędzu
(2011)The outline of theoretical foundations for the development and realization of the educational projects is accompanied by an account of an interdisciplinary educational project which had the form of an urban game “Czytanie ... -
Muzyka jako most łączący dwa światy (zapis refleksji po cyklu lekcji na temat Poczwarki Doroty Terakowskiej)
(2011)The article devoted to Poczwarka by D. Terakowska focuses on the question: is it possible to communicate with a child suffering from the Down syndrome by the means of music? The deliberations on the role that music played ... -
Priorytety kształcenia „polonistycznego”, czyli o poszukiwaniu podstawy w „podstawie programowej”
(2011)The aim of the paper is to substantiate the thesis that both notions mentioned in the title (“Polish language education” and “core curriculum”), although commonly used in the didactic language, are only dummy notions and ...