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dc.contributor.authorGerc, Krzysztofpl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 108, Studia Paedagogica 2 (2012), s. [101]-109pl
dc.description.abstractThe general research problem of the article is the analysis of a set of conditions that determine the attitude of young people with motor disability but within the intellectual norm towards their illness. The aim of the article is to distinguish factors connected with an individual hierarchy of values which influence the development of various attitudes towards the illness and one’s own disability as well as the life goals of adolescents. A group of 280 adolescents was examined to achieve that aim. The characteristics of the results based on an advanced statistical analysis lead, among others, to a conclusion that there is a connection between emphasizing the importance of the final value – health – by the examined and an active attitude towards the illness. The results of the research confirm the existence of a causal relation of variables, which include the value preference, in which ascribing higher rank to peace and harmony within the final values, and to independence within instrumental values leads to the creation of an attitude towards the illness understood as suffering, trouble and loss of value. The research has not showed an existence of a relation between the individual hierarchy of values and manifestation of the attitude towards the disability that is characteristic for understanding it in the categories of an advantage and facilitation which may be connected with a considerably modifying (negative) influence of the other variables highlighted in the study.en
dc.titlePreferencja wartości i postawa wobec choroby a cele życiowe młodzieży niepełnosprawnej ruchowopl
dc.title.alternativeValue preference and the attitude towards the illness and the life aims of young people with motor disabilityen
dc.rights.holderWydawnictwo Naukowe UPpl

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