Wykorzystanie narzędzi: „Sprawdź, jak się porozumiewam” oraz „Program wspomagania kompetencji komunikacyjnej dzieci z ciężkimi zaburzeniami porozumiewania się” dr M. Grycman do konstruowania programów terapeutycznych dla dzieci niemówiących w praktyce terapeutycznej psychologa i logopedy
Hejna, Estera
Niklewska-Piotrowska, Elżbieta
Źródło: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 108, Studia Paedagogica 2 (2012), s. [221]-226
Język: pl
Data: 2012
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The article aims to familiarize the reader with the possibility of using the tools Sprawdź jak się porozumiewam
(Check how I communicate) and Program wspomagania kompetencji komunikacyjnej dzieci z ciężkimi zaburzeniami
porozumiewania się (The programme of supporting the communicative competence of children with severe communication
disorders) created by dr M. Grycman in the therapeutic work with mute children or children with communication
problems. It presents the structure of the discussed tools and the way of their application as effective
therapeutic aid on the example of the therapy of a five-year-old mute Oliwia. The article extensively presents the
procedure of filling in the protocol for the evaluation card that comprises: the evaluation and grading of the
levels of particular communication scopes of the girl, setting the therapy goals, description of the suggestions of
therapeutic influences and of the access manner and aids that the particular AAC user employs in communication. The
article also discusses supplementary materials from Program wspomagania kompetencji komunikacyjnej dzieci z
ciężkimi zaburzeniami porozumiewania się used in the work of a speech therapist and a psychologist as well as the
importance of these materials in the creation of situations which provide mute children with the possibility of
active participation. In the article we pay attention to the need of using the diagnostic tools and supporting
programmes as aids that facilitate the creation of individual therapeutic programmes and make it possible for mute
children to acquire and develop communication skills.