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dc.contributor.authorGawron-Kajda, Ewelinapl
dc.contributor.authorKozak, Małgorzatapl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 108, Studia Paedagogica 2 (2012), s. [322]-326pl
dc.description.abstractSpecial pedagogy lacks holistic methods of working with disabled children, methods that would develop the entire psyche of a child rather than its particular functions. A therapy designed by Ognienko Me, you and a tiger as well as Playing with colours suggested by Pogosowa are examples of such methods. We know that attention has an immense power as the world exists thanks to it. Everything we pay attention to begins to live, blossoms, becomes more beautiful. A dog looks into our eyes to get its portion of attention. A flower without attention withers. The world begins to unveil its secrets when we listen to ourselves and others attentively and with love. We discover the nature of an animal if we attentively look at its picture. We discover a relationship between us. Each animal has its own talent and can teach us something. We differ from them but we have similar experiences – we are cautions, angry, stubborn, cunning, we like fun and sometimes feel pain. N. Ognienko – a speech therapist and psychologist, the author of Working with paintings of animals: me, you and a tiger writes: „We are made of the same blood. We i.e. the author and the reader, an adult and a child, a human and an animal. By discovering the nature of animals we discover strength and wisdom in ourselves. Working in such a way with a child we help both ourselves and the child to become courageous, happy and loving”. The second part of our presentation is devoted to working with colours. It was inspired by the works by Pogosowa who writes: „There are no ugly colours. Each colour has its specific hue and strength. A colour always influences whether we are aware of that or not. Introducing a child into the world of colours we help him or her to become familiar with the specific influence of colour on his or her senses. It makes the child more attentive and feeling, causes that he or she better understands himself and his relationship with the world”. The aim of each exercise presented in the script is to consolidate the name of a colour, associate a colour with various emotions and states, develop auditory and visual attention, perfect general motor skills and movement coordination.en
dc.title„Kolorowe krainy i dni zwierząt” – wybrane formy pracy z uczniami niepełnosprawnymi intelektualnie zainspirowane opowiadaniami N. Ognienko i N.M. Pogosowejpl
dc.title.alternativeColourful lands and animals’ days – selected forms of working with mentally handicapped students inspired by the stories by N. Ognienko and N.M. Pogosowaen
dc.rights.holderWydawnictwo Naukowe UPpl

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