Browsing 2013, Studia Historica 14 by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
„Akcje specjalne” – założenia i realizacja w Polsce centralnej w latach 1933–1939
(2013)The national policy of mitigating the consequences of unemployment was extended in the 1930s to include so-called special actions constituting in employment support (full or partial). The actions included: creating the ... -
Aktywność gospodarcza Polaków na Syberii w XIX i na początku XX wieku
(2013)From the end of the 17th century until 1914, Poles were being sent into exile to Siberia, first as prisoners of war, then as political prisoners of the Tsar’s Russia for fighting for independence. After serving their ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 139. Studia Historica 14
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2013)W Katedrze Najnowszej Historii Polski Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie przygotowywaliśmy, na przełomie roku 2010 i 2011, Księgę Jubileuszową, która miała się ukazać w związku z 40 ... -
Aprowizacja mieszkańców Krakowa w latach gospodarki wojennej i powojennej inflacji (1918–1923)
(2013)After regaining independence, situation of the citizens of Cracow was frequently more difficult than during the war. Provisioning problems were caused by the ongoing fights and immense devastation. The authorities did ... -
Broń ostatniej szansy. Zagraniczne zakupy sprzętu wojskowego dla armii II Rzeczypospolitej (wiosna–lato 1939 r.)
(2013)Already at the beginning of independence, a conviction was formed at the top of the military hierarchy of the Second Polish Republic that the equipment of the army should be based on native production. The idea was ... -
Centralny Zarząd Dóbr Włodzimierza hr. Dzieduszyckiego
(2013)In the second half of the 19th century, the ongoing process of modernization of the European economy also reached the agriculture in Poland. Mechanization, modern methods of cultivation and of breeding animals, financing ... -
Etos oficerski w warunkach skrajnych na podstawie wybranych postaw oficerów WP osadzonych w KL Auschwitz
(2013)All types of police, preventive, and retaliatory actions towards Poles became a part of the occupational everyday life. In the common historical awareness of Poles, they are embodied by Warsaw street roundups. However, ... -
Francuska pomoc w wyposażeniu armii polskiej (1919–1939)
(2013)Shaping of the political and military alliance between France and Poland in the interwar period had a cyclic character. Initially, the relations were close. French companies engaged themselves financially in the development ... -
Grabież tzw. majątków bezpańskich należących do Żydów w Kielcach i powiecie kieleckim w okresie okupacji
(2013)An action of exterminating Jews in the General Government was carried out by the Third Reich under the code name “Einsatz Reinhardt”. At the same time, large-scale confiscation and plunder of properties belonging to Jews ... -
Interwencjonizm państwowy w przemyśle na łamach „Polski Gospodarczej” z lat 1930–1939
(2013)The state-financed “Polska Gospodarcza” (1930–1939) presented the official stand on the issue of state intervention into the economy. During almost 10 years during which the bi-weekly newspaper was published, only a few ... -
Jerzy S. Gołębiowski (1943–2010)
(2013) -
Miasta regionu górnej Wisły w XIX–XXI w. (1857–2009)
(2013)The article discusses the urban settlement patterns in the upper Vistula region and their changes in the years 1857–2009. The detailed analysis concerns the period from the beginning of forming the basis of industrialization ... -
Obiekty sportowe w Krakowie w dobie zaborów i II Rzeczypospolitej
(2013)Cracow played an important role in the development of sport in Poland. Sport associations and clubs not only propagated sport but also influenced urbanization processes. The first sports facilities in Cracow were built ... -
Obraz żydowskiego rzemiosła w Chmielniku w międzywojennej Polsce w pamięci mieszkańców miasta
(2013)Already in the second half of the 19th century, Chmielnik – located in the pre-war Kielce Voivodeship (currently Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship) – was deemed the biggest urban settlement and trade canter in the Kielce ... -
Od wyzwolenia do zniewolenia. Krakowianie lat 1945–1947
(2013)The years 1944/45–1947 are the key turning points in the history of Cracow. 1945 is the year of liberation from the Nazi occupation, and as such is related to the dreams of independent Poland. The city was not destroyed ... -
Polityka gospodarcza władz II Rzeczypospolitej w narracji szkolnych podręczników historii (1950–2007)
(2013)History textbooks from the first years after the war did not provide an extensive analysis of the economic policy of the Second Polish Republic. Reflections on this topic constituted only a small portion of the authors’ ... -
Polskie Kompanie Wartownicze wobec Skarbu Narodowego 1950–1955
(2013)The National Treasury was created in 1950 by the Polish government in exile to gather financial means for covering the essential expenses associated with maintaining the government as well as Polish educational and ... -
Przekształcenia struktur gospodarki regionu podkarpackiego. Procesy metropolizacji, procesy globalizacji
(2013)The aim of the article is to describe the process of transforming the structure of the economy of Podakrpacie under the influence of metropolisation processes. The region is presented in the view of processes that are ... -
Przemiany w strukturze agrarnej powiatu Dąbrowa Tarnowska w okresie Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej
(2013)Due to the lack of larger manufacturing plants and scarce natural resources the Dąbrowa district belonged to the majority of districts in the Cracow Voivodeship in which agriculture was the main source of income for most ... -
Przemysł rolno-spożywczy w województwie wołyńskim w latach 1921–1939
(2013)In the years of the Second Polish Republic, the Volyn province, as an agricultural region, had good conditions for the development of the agricultural and food industry. At the beginning of the 1930s, the province was ...