Obraz małżeństwa z kobiecej perspektywy w okresie małej stabilizacji 1956–1970
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Siwik, Anna
Wierzbicka-Kamysz, Agnieszka
Źródło: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 132, Studia Politologica 10 (2013), s. [42]-58
Język: pl
Data: 2013
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The aim of the article is to show, on the basis of the analysed diaries, the moral transformations
that took place in the family model in the time of so-called „small stabilisation” (1956–1970).
The research focused on the parameters crucial for the functioning of a family: marriage
selection, financial and housing conditions, the style and quality of life. As far as the
marriage selection is concerned, one can observe a tendency that is characteristic for the
transformations within the family in the 20th century, namely that young people acquired
more autonomy in choosing their partner although, in the Polish conditions, the need of
parents’ acceptance of the spouse was still very strong. The age of entering the matrimony
was also changing. 83% of women got married before they turned 25. A considerable change
in the social structure of marriage also took place. It can be said that the former class divisions
became blurred. In the analysed statements of the respondents, the desire to quickly leave the
family home was listed as the most important reason for getting married at young age. The
need of becoming independent, however, did not rule out emotional motives. Moreover, the
qualities that were desired in the partners changed over decades. Some qualities that used
to be considered indispensible, such as coming from a good family, became less important.
Morally interesting was the shift in the field of having some possessions that would substitute
the traditional dowry from the woman to the man. The financial and living conditions were
extremely modest from today’s point of view. A large part of statements was devoted to
terrifying descriptions of flats. In general, young people either rented modest flats or lived
with their parents, which in turn generated conflicts. Despite that, the family bonds remained
very strong. The style and quality of married life was connected to dividing the marital duties
and the policy of hiring women. The transformation of the family model from patriarchal
to partnership-based was gradual. In Polish People’s Republic a specific model of woman
was created – “a courageous victim” who sacrificed herself for her husband and children and
worked professionally at the same time.