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dc.contributor.authorKozioł, Ryszardpl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 132, Studia Politologica 10 (2013), s. [249]-266pl
dc.description.abstractBy the end of 1970s the villages’ self-governing system was very complicated. Its structure was made of several organizational forms which played different roles. Those institutions were divided into three main groups: the council of village inhabitants, agricultural council and cooperative council. After August 1980 breakthrough the attempts were made to modernize the system. An example of it was the resolution of the State Council from March 19th 1981 which gave more power to village inhabitants council, the draft law from March 23rd 1981 about the agricultural council, the new status of CZKiOR organization and other documents. However, the new law regulations and the proposals of reforms put forward by the then power centers were not accepted by the rural environment. In some places it resulted in radicalization of social moods. People accused the reforms of protecting bureaucratic business and wasting the opportunity to rebuild the authentic rural self-governing system. The later regulations, made in the atmosphere of martial law, which was characterized by too much belaying and legislative inconsistency, confirmed the validity of those accusations.en
dc.titleSamorządność wiejska i próby jej modernizacji w czasach pierwszej „Solidarności”pl
dc.title.alternativeVillages’ self-governing and the attempts of modernizing it in times of early „Solidarity”en

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