Browsing Artykuły naukowe (WPL) by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 60
Źródła japońskiej koncepcji pancerników lotniczych
(2019)Japanese aircraft-carrier battleships Ise and Hyuga were the only ships of this battleship subclass in the world. They were rebuilt from classic battleships in 1943. The main reason why the imperial fleet decided to ... -
Deepfake jako skomplikowana i głęboko fałszywa rzeczywistość
(2019)Manipulation of information is not a new phenomenon, but has taken on a completely new dimension, due to the unprecedented possibilities of the Internet and social networks to disseminate information and create viruses ... -
Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski odnośnie gazu ziemnego według projektu Polityki energetycznej Polski do 2040 Roku
(2019)The purpose of the text is to determine ways of diversifying the sources of origin and directions for importing natural gas in Poland until the agreement for the supply of Russian gas expires in 2022. A reasonable approach ... -
Man in the world of old and new media – selected concepts of media influence and their contemporary interpretations
(2019)The aim of the article is to analyze selected concepts regarding media effects and their interpretation in the context of contemporary phenomena related to the media. Reference was made, among others, to the theory of ... -
Genezowanie bezpieczeństwa
(2019)Pursuing security, i.e. the expected state, free from threats requires conducting scientific research, which show that security undergoes dramatic changes , is a complex and intricate matter to study and it is not possible ... -
iWar – bezprecedensowa forma wojny internetowej
(2019)The aim of the article is to present the concept of iWar, a new, unique idea of war. Understanding and specificity of the concept is associated with changes that take place in the way of functioning of modern societies. ... -
Myśl transhumanistyczna w perspektywie bezpieczeństwa człowieka. Szansa na rozwój czy realne zagrożenie dla populacji ludzkiej?
(2019)The modern development of medicine that offers tools and techniques due to which it is possible to overcome human limitations and improve the quality of human life, ceases to be a design vision and becomes reality. The ... -
Czy dżihad to ideologia? O niekonsekwencjach terminologicznych wokół „walki na ścieżce Boga”
(2019)The term “jihad” is currently doing a great career. It has long ceased to be just a Islam theology concept and is already widely used in political science or even security science. From this word were created such as ... -
18. Dywizja Zmechanizowana Wojska Polskiego – przyczyny powstania, dowództwo, struktura organizacyjna oraz jej rola w Siłach Zbrojnych RP
(2019)This article describes the reasons for, and the process of, establishing the 18th Mechanised Division of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Its organisational structure, command and role in the Polish Army are ... -
Japoński lotniskowiec zaopatrzeniowy Shinano – analiza funkcjonalna. Część 1: Źródła koncepcji i geneza Shinano oraz losy programu budowy pancerników typu Yamato
(2019)The Shinano aircraft carrier was created as a result of the reconstruction of the unfinished battleship of the Yamato type. The Japanese decision to stop its construction in the battleship configuration was right. The ... -
Sieciocentryzm jako doktryna militarna
(2019)The broadly understood development of techniques and information technologies as well as the emergence of new challenges and threats related to security, maintaining peace and stability in the global dimension have led ... -
Zbiegli funkcjonariusze służb mundurowych z Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej na przykładzie pilotów i marynarzy
(2019)In the post-war period, Poland became dependent on the USSR. All issues related to everyday life of each citizen were started to be controlled. This included issuing passports and foreign trips. Many citizens seeing the ... -
Pojęcie cyberprzestrzeni w strategiach bezpieczeństwa państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej
(2019)The aim of the article is to present and analyze definitions of cyberspace of the Member States of the European Union. The article is based on the content of their cyber strategies. This is possible because countries ... -
Emancypacja kobiet w Holandii i ich udział w społeczeństwie obywatelskim
(2019)Artykuł opisuję walkę Holenderek o prawa polityczne i ekonomiczne, od końca drugiej połowy XIX wieku po czasy nam współczesne. Autorzy przeanalizowali w jaki sposób trzy fale feminizmu, wpłynęły na kształt społeczeństwa ... -
Proces przemian w regionalnej i globalnej przestrzeni bezpieczeństwa w pierwszych dwóch dekadach po Zimnej Wojnie w odniesieniu do byłych państw bloku socjalistycznego z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (wybrane aspekty)
(2019)The article presents the changes in the international security environment in the post Cold War world, especially in view of the post Communist Middle-East European countries. The most important changes connected with ... -
Istota muzułmańskiego bezpieczeństwa rodziny w odniesieniu do dziecka w obszarze Hedānat, Velāyat-e nafs i Velāyat-e amvāl na przykładzie ustawodawstwa Islamskiej Republiki Afganistanu
(2019)The article aims to clarify the essence of the security of the Muslim family with regard to the child. It focuses on rights and duties of the parents in hedānat, velāyat-e nafs, velāyat-e tarbiyat. The author refers to ... -
Prywatność w Sieci – wybrane zagadnienia
(2019)The development of new technology makes that information about us is collected on a massive scale. Almost every our activity leaves a trail (e.g. credit cards). Especially a lot of these trails we leave using the ... -
Ołowiany grad: rozwój i główne uwarunkowania działania artylerii w XX wieku
(2019)The aim of the article is to present a historical outline of the use of artillery in the 20th century. The author indicates the main conditions and milestones of artillery development during this period. Then, the main ... -
Jeden protest dwa medialne obrazy świata: protest lekarzy rezydentów w relacjach wieczornych programów informacyjnych „Wiadomości” TVP i „Fakty” TVN
(2019)The protest of resident doctors was a very popular issue in the media in October 2017. Television news programs being the most popular source of information about politics have reported the development of events in ... -
Security Education for Disaster Risk Management Capacity Building
(2019)The variety of risks threatening the security environment are growing in power, impact, extent and can affect the whole system, the part of it and individual. They are not only interconnected but also have systemic ...