Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Obraz narzędzi rolniczych utrwalony w polskiej frazeologii i paremiologii
The object of analysis in this paper are fixedword combinations (phraseological units
and proverbs) with components denoting names of agricultural tools. They were used
to conceptualize numerous ideas connected not only ...
Obraz narzędzi rękodzielniczych w polskich frazeologizmach i przysłowiach
This paper deals with Polish phraseologisms and proverbs which contain names
of handicraft tools. Most of the collected material currently belongs to recessive
phraseological units. Viewed from the perspective of a deeply ...
"Mała ojczyzna" Ślązaka we frazeologizmach i przysłowiach gwarowych (Śląsk Cieszyński, Górny Śląsk, Śląsk Opolski)
The article presents an analysis of phrases and proverbs with a toponymic component,
which were excerpted from lexicographic sources recording Silesian dialects. The object
of description is the image of “a little ...
Językowo-kulturowy obraz łyka w świetle dawnych frazeologizmów i przysłów
The article deals with phraseologisms and proverbs which contain the component łyko
(phloem). The analysis of collected material made it possible to reconstruct the linguistic
view of old reality connected with low ...
O śląskiej frazeologii i paremiologii toponimicznej - raz jeszcze
The article is a special continuation of the paper published in the previous volume of Studia
Linguistica entitled “A little motherland” in the Light of Phraseology and Paremiology of Silesian
Dialects. It contains the ...
O potrzebie badań nad dziedzictwem kultury materialnej utrwalonym w polskiej frazeologii i paremiologii
The paper is an attempt at a synthetic presentation of one research area in phraseology and
paremiology, namely the evidence of old material culture preserved in fixed multi-word
units. The author considers previous ...