Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Geograficzne: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 261-280 z 286
Współczesny rozwój morfologiczny południowej części Wyżyny Częstochowskiej
(1964)The article is a sketch of tendencies observed in the general development of morphological forms in the southern part of Częstochowa Highland and is supported a number of selected examples. The principal rock carved ... -
Z morfologii kredowych progów strukturalnych zachodniej części Wyżyny Małopolskiej
(1964)The west wing of the Nida trough is built of chalk rocks differentiated petrographically and varying in paint of strength. A selective destruction of monoclinally lying rocks had for result the formation of structural ... -
Piaski ilmenitowe w korycie Dunajca pod Czorsztynem
(1964)In the sands of the Dunajec bank black streaks of ilmenite are known to occur. A sample of sand taken from the river bed in Czorsztyn showed a general content of ilmenite of 2,05-2,12% b.w. In the sand granulation of ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 22. Prace Geograficzne 3
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WSP, 1964) -
Ciągła praktyka pedagogiczna studentów geografii Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Krakowie
(1962)The article is an account of methods and results of the practical training of the Higher Pedagogical School undergraduates. Experience has shown the unmistakable advantage of a continual touch of the H.P.S. with the ... -
Pracownia pomocy naukowych z zakresu geografii przy Wyższej Szkole Pedagogicznej w Krakowie
(1962)The subject of the article is аn analysis of various forms and of the general plan of work in the geographical Workshop for Teaching Aids and appliances, which is estimated to be one of the ways of achieving polytechnical ... -
O kształceniu myślenia i wyobraźni przestrzennej w procesie nauczania geografii (spotykane błędy i drogi ich zwalczania)
(1962)Critical remarks, supported by observation and research, regarding certain errors occurring in class instructions on map stucture are advanced in the article. These errors may result in a wrong direction given to the ... -
Przemiany mapy Afryki po II wojnie światowej
(1962)The state constitutional evolution of the African Territories and colonies is discussed on the specific background of the geographic economy of that continent. Changes which occurred in the political map of Africa in the ... -
Niektóre zagadnienia ludnościowe Czechosłowacji
(1962)The object of the study is the evolutions of the Czechoslovakia population in the course of the last century. The analysis of that problem has been carried out for separate periods within the bounds of the Czech and the ... -
Z zagadnień ludnościowych powiatu ustrzyckiego
(1962)The article contains certain data on demographic transformations proceeding on the area of Ustrzyki Dolne District (Rzeszów Voivodeship) which in consequence of various events in 1944—1951 suffered a far-reaching ... -
Migracje ludności polskiej na południową stronę Karpat
(1962)The article concerns former ethnic groups of Polish settlers in Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Most of these groups ceased to exist as such already in the beginning of the XX century. The process of disappearance of some ... -
Rozdrabnianie gospodarstw a emigracja ze wsi : studium wsi Piotrkowice Wielkie w pow. proszowickim
(1962)An attempt is made to conceive the interrelation between the fragmentation of farm units and emigration on the ground of an exemplary study of these processes in the villages Piotrkowice Wielkie in the Cracow Voivodeship. ... -
Struktura zatrudnienia mieszkańców woj. krakowskiego
(1962)In Cracov Voivodeship villages is now proceeding a redistribution of employment as consequence of industrialization and greater demand for labour in town and industrial centres. The author presents a detailed analysis ... -
Dojazdy do pracy w województwie krakowskim
(1962)An analysis of centres of non-agricultural work attracting most of the labour surplus from the rural environment is the starting point for research on correlations between the countryside and the town. Proportional ... -
Analiza struktury i przestrzennych form koncentracji przemysłu województwa krakowskiego
(1962)In the first part of thfe article is given a general review of literary and original sources, a specification of basic notions on industrial concentration and of criteria on the strength of which the discrimination of ... -
Próba klasyfikacji funkcjonalnej pozarolniczych ośrodków pracy w województwie krakowskim
(1962)Primary results of investigations concerning the functional structure of Cracow-voivodeship towns and industrial settlements are presented in this article. On the basis of an analysis of employment structure indices, ... -
Dynamika kształtowania się regionów w Polsce południowej po drugiej wojnie światowej
(1962)The author gives a characteristic of a series of studies carried on in the Chair of Economic Geography, which tend to reproduce specific features of S. Poland regional structure and of factors by the joint action of which ... -
O pseudoglacjalnej rzeźbie Beskidów Zachodnich
(1962)A close investigation of the Glacial surface relief was carried out in 1956 in the W. Beskids. On the ground of these researches conclusions have been reached stating, that forms till now considered to be of glacial ... -
Stosunki wodne w górnej części dorzecza Soły
(1962)Field investigations carried out in the summer of 1959 in the basins of the Czerna and the Slanica resulted in the establishment of several genetic types of sources being in connexion with the substrata structure.