Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Geograficzne: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 241-260 z 286
Próba oceny związku egzaminów wstępnych ze studiami geograficznymi
(1964)The article contains a number of deliberations on the connection between the outcome of entrance examinations - with an analysis of results obtained in secondary school - and the progress of further special studies. Six ... -
O niektórych szkolnych modelach geologicznych
(1964)Some models used in school for demonstrating tectonic deformations can be accepted only with certain reservations as to their correctness. Ad an example may be taken a model illustrating the formation of folds, which is ... -
Uwagi o założeniach i realizacji nowego programu geografii w ośmioletniej szkole podstawowej
(1964)Many possibilities of realising educational purposes are inherent in the revised program, of geography their eliciting and skilful application depending on the teacher's initiative. An attempt of proving the point on ... -
Kilka uwag o strukturze szkolnictwa Krakowa i jego zasięgu wpływów
(1964)An attempt is made in the present work of defining the structure and the compass of influence of the Cracov school system: conclusions are drawn on the ground of an inquiry opened by the Cracow District Educational Board. ... -
Kilka uwag o metodzie i treści zajęć seminaryjnych z zakresu metodyki nauczania geografii
(1964)Considerable difficulties are connected with seminar occupations on geographical methodics. Methodics being a comparatively young science there are but few traditions to build upon, scarcely any former achievements, and ... -
Z zagadnień ludnościowych Sudanu
(1964)Actual demographic problems in Sudan are consideres on the ground of data furnished by the first Sudanese census in 1956, Sudanese problems are an instance of conditions prevailing in African weakly developed countries. ... -
O niektórych uprawach rolniczych w Etiopii
(1964)The author discusses in popular form the lines of production and agricultural structure in Ethiopia on the ground of material collected by him in the course of his two months visit in that country. -
Próba charakterystyki regionu Pirenejów Francuskich
(1964)In the first part of the article the author gives a brief review of the most distinctive features of the French Pyrenees geographic environment. He mentions such characteristics as the size and the number of post-glacial lakes; ... -
Światowe zasoby i gospodarka siarką po 1945 r.
(1964)A general reviev of world-wide sulfur supply and demand gives an account of a steadily groing production of sulfur namely, from 8620,7 th. tons in 1938 /China and U.S.S.R. excluded/ and 11244,0 th. t. in 1950 /China and ... -
Uwagi o problemie przeludnienia współczesnego świata
(1964)The article is brief review of recent opinions concerning the problem of overpopulation, presented on the background of the development of the existing world wide demographic situations the natural population ... -
Struktura i kierunki przewozów towarowych kolejami PKP województwa rzeszowskiego w 1930 i 1960 roku
(1964)The article contains a comprehensive study of goods railway transport in Rzeszów voivodship. For a comparative review are taken the years 1930 and 1960. Regional transport is considered separately and in correlation ... -
Baza surowcowa jako podstawa rozwoju przemysłu północnej części województwa Rzeszowskiego
(1964)The main factor inciting to activity the north part of Rzeszów voivodshaft is industry. The further development of local industry ought to follow the line of exploitation of its natural riches. The local natural resources ... -
Procesy urbanizacyjne w województwie opolskim w XX wieku
(1964)The article presents certain results on more extensive investigations of industrialisation and urbanization processes in the XXc. Opole region. Opole region situated between two economically active centres those of ... -
Elektryfikacja wsi województwa krakowskiego
(1964)The process of electrification of Cracov voivodship villages is rather belated, beginning in the 30ies of the interwar period. In 1945 in the Cracov voivodship only 6,4% villages were electrified. In the best case the ... -
Starzenie się ludności wiejskiej a emigracja ze wsi (na przykładzie rolniczego powiatu proszowickiego)
(1964)The subject of the author's considerations is the problem of ageing of the population in villages of Proszowice district in the Cracov voivodship during the post war period. The process of ageing of countryside population ... -
Kwalifikacje zawodowe pracowników dojeżdżających do przemysłu w ośrodkach województwa krakowskiego
(1964)The theme of the work is analysis of demand of industrial establishments for outside labour according to sex, age and qualifications and the influence of these establishments on the differenciation of the demographic and ... -
Powiązania produkcyjne zachodniokrakowskiego kompleksu przemysłowego
(1964)The present article is a fragment of a comprehensive work entitled "Kształtowanie się i struktura Zachodnio- Krakowskiego Kompleksu Przemysłowego" (The Formation and Structure of West-Kraków Industrial Complex) which is ... -
Strefa podmiejska
(1964)The central problem of the present work is analysis of the influence of industrialisation on the agricultural hinterland of industrial centres in result of labour demand population affluence, and commutation. The author ... -
Rola siły Coriolisa w ogólnej cyrkulacji atmosfery
(1964)Coriolis force, a resultant of the spinning of the Earth governs the movement of any Earthern body. Due to the action exerted by its acceleration every moving body suffers a right hand side deviation on the Northern ... -
O odmładzaniu osuwisk w Beskidach Zachodnich
(1964)The author's attention is focused on the rejuvenation of ancient landslides of various types, and their subsequent transformations landslide rejuvenation depends on the relief and the general structure of shifted rocks. ...