Wydział Nauk Ścisłych i Przyrodniczych (WGB): Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 161-180 z 957
Wykorzystanie i stan infrastruktury narciarskiej w gminie Krynica-Zdrój w świetle badań ankietowych. Wyniki badań pilotażowych
(2016)Od prawie dwóch wieków turyści krajowi i zagraniczni przybywają do Krynicy kuszeni walorami przyrodniczymi oraz rozbudowaną infrastrukturą. Współcześnie rozwój uzdrowiska powiązany jest w dużej mierze z rozwojem usług ... -
The Origin and Functioning of the Lviv Way of St. James Via Regia and Its Importance in the Development of Pilgrimages and Religious Tourism at the Polish-Ukrainian Border
(2016)Inclusion of the Polish sections of the Way of St. James in the European network of Camino de Santiago gave impetus to marking the Way of St. James within the territory of Ukraine. On the tenth anniversary of the opening ... -
Znaczenie działalności polskich biur podróży w Chicago
(2016)Celem artykułu jest omówienie specyfiki działalności polskich biur podróży w Chicago, które niewątpliwie wpływają na wybierane destynacje turystyczne mieszkańców tego miasta. Autorka pragnie przedstawić dane, które zostały ... -
Rozwój turystyki dziedzictwa na wybranych przykładach w Polsce
(2014)Współcześnie turystyka stanowi niezwykle ważny sektor gospodarki narodowej. Dla wielu krajów i regionów jest jednym z celów działalności gospodarczej, a zarazem jednym ze środków ożywienia społeczno-gospodarczego. W ... -
Powodzie błyskawiczne w małych zlewniach karpackich – wybrane aspekty zarządzania ryzykiem powodziowym
(2014)Ryzyko powodziowe oznacza kombinację wystąpienia powodzi oraz jej negatywnych skutków. Ogół działań związanych z ograniczaniem skutków powodzi dla zdrowia ludzkiego, środowiska, dziedzictwa kulturowego oraz działalności ... -
Obserwacje w nauczaniu geografii turystycznej
(2014)W nauczaniu geografii w szkole średniej duży nacisk położono na umiejętność rozwiązywania testów. Zaniedbano zaś nauczania obserwacji. Dlatego u studentów, również na kierunku turystyka i rekreacja jest duża nieporadność ... -
Motives for the choice of geography in Matura examinations in the context of Poland’s examination policy
(2014)The educational reform in 1999 introduced external examinations into the Polish system of education. The examinations are carried out on the basis of educational standards for individual subjects and subject groups. ... -
Roma ethnic minority risk of social exclusion in Poland
(2014)Roma people are one of the most colourful minorities in Poland and arouse interest and controversy among contemporary Polish society, nearly monolithic in terms of ethnic origin and nationality. At present, the socio-economic ... -
Ski and spa tourism as local development strategy – the case of Krynica Zdrój (Poland)
(2014)The socio-economic, cultural and technological transformations, characteristic features of the globalization era, result in altering the ways in which tourist and recreational services are rendered, leading to the formation ... -
Tourism development in small cities on the example of Pistoia in Tuscany
(2014)The dynamic development of tourism in many regions of the world causes competition boost which, in turn, leads to a variety of changes in tourist offers. Tourism is an alternative for other types of economic activity, ... -
Industrial and commercial suburbanization in post-socialist city: the Kraków Metropolitan Area (Poland)
(2014)The subject of this paper is the issue of urban sprawling in the Kraków Metropolitan Area (Poland). Particular attention is paid on the changing role of industry as one of the key elements of development and metropolization ... -
Housing conditions in selected metropolitan areas in Poland
(2014)Housing conditions are considered an element reflecting the living standard of the population. In addition, it is also an important index illustrating advancement of suburbanisation processes. The article presents ... -
Spatial structure transformations in small towns in view of rehabilitation and gentrification processes
(2014)During the time of centrally controlled economy Polish cities were shaped by processes and structures typical of a socialist state. When changes in the economic, social and political system in Poland begun, Polish cities ... -
Human geographical ideas of Eugeniusz Romer
(2014)Eugeniusz Romer’s contribution to the development of Polish geography has been extensively appreciated. Historians of geography emphasized however his contribution in the field of physical geography and map making. ... -
The concept of geographical space
(2014)In the process of shaping the geography as a science there appeared two research trends. One of them is reflected in ongoing scientific specialization and isolation of new disciplines, while the other is characterized ... -
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in common fish species from Central Vietnam and the potential human risk
(2020-11-17)Vietnam is located on the eastern part of the Indochinese Peninsula and borders with Cambodia, China, Laos, as well as the Gulf of Thailand, the Gulf of Tonkin and the South China Sea. There are dense river Systems and ... -
Conditions of divided towns development – an example of Guben and Gubin
(2015)The article concerns about conditions of development of a peculiar small towns – Guben (German) and Gubin (Polish). Their situation is interesting with reference to their border location, as well as peripheral and divided ... -
Development of educational services in small towns of the Małopolskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships
(2015)The aim of this study was to present the variety of educational services in small towns of Małopolskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships. Performance of educational services is determined by numerous factors, of which the ... -
The role of industry in the labour market of small towns
(2015)The problem of changing and shrinking economic base of many small towns causes necessity of searching new paths of development for them. Central service functions existing in those towns previously are largely washed out ... -
Population changes as litmus paper of the socio-economic development level of small towns in Poland
(2015)The main aim of the author was to analyse the population changes of small towns in Poland between 2002 and 2012. Small towns’ reaction to the global and regional demographic trends confirms their position between the ...