Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Zjawiska fotoelektryczne w monokryształach BaTiO[3] w obszarze niskotemperaturowych przejść fazowych
This work concerns ferroelectric phenomena in monocrystals BaTiO[3]. Influence of light illumination on electric
conductivity and on phase transition temperature was studied in particular. It was found that illumination ...
Wpływ defektów tlenowych na zmiany temperaturowe przewodnictwa elektrycznego niestechiometrycznego niobianu sodu
Measurements of electrical conductivity of nonstoichiometric $NaNbO_3$ were made in the air atmosphere under normal
and reduced pressure. It was stated that the value of electrical conductivity is strongly effected by ...
Wpływ pola magnetycznego na własności $BaTiO_3$
Influence of the constant magnetic field on temperature changes of the dielectric constant and on the electric
conductivity of $BaTiO_3$. It was shown for this material that together with the increase of the magnetic ...
Fotoferroelektryczne zjawiska w monokryształach $(Ba, Sr) Nb_2O_6$
Influence of illumination on phase transition temperature, on dielectric permittivity and on pyro currents in $Ba_xSr_{1-x}Nb_2O_6$ was studied. Dependence of photoelectretic charge density on temperature in the region of ...