Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Wpływ defektów tlenowych na zmiany temperaturowe przewodnictwa elektrycznego niestechiometrycznego niobianu sodu
Measurements of electrical conductivity of nonstoichiometric $NaNbO_3$ were made in the air atmosphere under normal
and reduced pressure. It was stated that the value of electrical conductivity is strongly effected by ...
Wpływ pola magnetycznego na własności $BaTiO_3$
Influence of the constant magnetic field on temperature changes of the dielectric constant and on the electric
conductivity of $BaTiO_3$. It was shown for this material that together with the increase of the magnetic ...
Fotoferroelektryczne zjawiska w monokryształach $(Ba, Sr) Nb_2O_6$
Influence of illumination on phase transition temperature, on dielectric permittivity and on pyro currents in $Ba_xSr_{1-x}Nb_2O_6$ was studied. Dependence of photoelectretic charge density on temperature in the region of ...