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dc.contributor.authorWądolny-Tatar, Katarzynapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationSzekspir wśród znaków kultury polskiej / pod red. Ewy Łubieniewskiej, Krystyny Latawiec, Jerzego Waligóry. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2012. - S. 200-[215].pl_PL
dc.description.abstractJuvenilia constitute the source of information about an author, his or her literary initiation, and the artistic development. In case of Anna Janko and Katarzyna Zdanowicz, they demonstrate the somewhat derivative nature and lack of autonomy, and at the same time reveal the need for joining the canon, to the extent that they employ contestation or polemics. In the construction of their works, both poets exploit Shakespearean motifs of characters, phrases, and situations, including them in the chain of intertextual relations. The situational motifs construct poetic images as internal memory spectacles (in Janko), and the motifs of characters contribute to creating poetics of negation and deformation (in Zdanowicz), whereas both poets make use of irony as the sign of the “I”. The clear references to works and the person of the playwright - understood as the cultural sign, or a “trademark” - are also visible in the titles of poems, or citations (mottos). The conveying and transforming of the dramatic elements is always to be seen as cultural modelling. Literary “lessons with Shakespeare” insist on the present moment through Shakespeare, while the literary provocation executed by the poets makes it possible for the exposition of ideas and attitudes to ridicule, to be treated as hypothetical and illusive.en_EN
dc.title„Lekcje z Szekspirem”. Motywy szekspirowskie w juweniliach Anny Janko i Katarzyny Zdanowiczpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeLessons with Shakespeare: Shakespearean Motifs in the Juvenilia of Anna Janko and Katarzyna Zdanowiczen_EN

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