Przeglądaj 2017, Studia Linguistica 12 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 40
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 234. Studia Linguistica 12
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2017) -
Czescy slawiści o języku polskim
(2017)On the basis of a comparison of Polish analytic nouns (e.g. sala gier) and their Czech equivalents (herna) characterised by suffixal word formation, it is possible to conclude that Czech shows a greater degree of ... -
Czy czyjaś osoba to osoba?
(2017)The aim of the article is to describe and explain the meaning of the Polish construction czyjaś osoba ‘the person of some person; persona’. The basis of investigations is the material culled out from the Polish corpora ... -
Czy Słownik staropolski potrzebuje obrony?
(2017)The author presents a scientific methodology of a linguist – historian who works on vocabulary of the oldest, manuscript era of Polish language. Here are some examples of problems that need to be addressed by the author ... -
Dryjas Zamechska Jana Kochanowskiego (w. 73–84) – przyczynek do transkrypcji i reinterpretacji
(2017)In old print from XVIth century Dryjas Zamechska by Jan Kochanowski there are two words bez and podobno situated one after another. The author of paper supposes, that it must be one word bezpodobno seting forth arguments ... -
Ekspansywne i recesywne rodziny językowe w Europie (i świecie) od starożytności
(2017)The aim or the article is to show the selected tendencies in the development of the linguistic map of the world, undergoing constant change, the result of which is some languages spreading further, while others are not ... -
Frazeologizmy gwarowe w komunikacji internetowej
(2017)The article discusses the way in which phrasemes of dialectal origin are transferred to the colloquial Polish language. The material basis includes the utterances of the Internet users posted on various kinds of forums ... -
Germanizmy w języku białoruskim mające polskie ekwiwalenty: ich liczebność w ujęciu diachronicznym i charakterystyka jakościowa
(2017)In Belarusian, different types of German loans are found. However, most of them did not come directly from German, but were passed on to Belarusian by other languages such as Polish, or later in history, Russian. In many ... -
Imię i jego formy w kręgach ziemiańskich – na materiale wspomnień
(2017)The article is between onomastics and sociolinguistics. The author shows the informal forms of names, which are used in Polish family of landed gentry in the beginning of XX century. The author carried out a word-formation ... -
Informacja kulturowa w ogólnym słowniku języka polskiego, czyli jeszcze o tradycji okiem leksykografa
(2017)The aim of the article is to discuss whether additional cultural information, explicitly formulated, i.e. apart from definitions in some types of entries and apart from linguistic material (collocations and quotations), ... -
Jeszcze o aoryście w staropolszczyźnie
(2017)An analysis of examples of the past perfect tense composed of a singular and plural past tense participle and an aorist form of the ‘to be’ verb in the singular third person form used as an auxiliary word is given in the ... -
Językowy autoportret malarza orientalisty w listach prywatnych Stanisława Chlebowskiego
(2017)The considerations set out in the article are the reason for the studies on idiolects of extraordinary creative persons of the past ages. The basis for the study is 487 private letters of a Sultan’s painter – Stanisław ... -
Kilka uwag o fleksji nieciągłych jednostek przymiotnikowych
(2017)The article presents an analysis of inflexive features of adjective idioms. The analysis proves that majority of adjective idioms are established as indeclinable units (characterized by fully syncretic forms), e.g. pełną ... -
Leksykalne wyznaczniki tożsamości małopolskiej
(2017)The article presents the dialect vocabulary referring to the human, characteristic of the Lesser Poland dialect. -
Morfotaktyka polskich przymiotników z perspektywy historycznej
(2017)The text is a complementation of a reflexion on the evolution of Polish adjectives with emphasis put on intermorphs. The issue seems important for the conclusion of the morphological construction of contemporary lexemes. ... -
O imieniu Krystyna - szkic onomastyczno-teologiczny
(2017)This article is an attempt to characterize the name Krystyna from the onomastic-theological point of view. The presented linguistic analysis is diachronic. On the one hand, it focuses on the presentation of this anthroponym ... -
O potrzebnych i niepotrzebnych zapożyczeniach z języka angielskiego
(2017)The aim of the article is to assess the English borrowings from the viewpoint of linguistic correctness. Determining if a given borrowing is needed or redundant is based on two criteria: sufficiency and economy. The ... -
O pracach nad słownikami fleksyjnymi
(2017)The article presents the process of using the author’s and his associates’ experiences on the works of the academic Grammar of contemporary Polish language in creating inflexive Polish language dictionaries from a small ...