Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych (WH): Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 161-180 z 3120
The patron-servant relation on the example of Elżbieta Sieniawska, née Lubomirska and Izrael Rubinowicz
(2019)The article shows relationships between Elżbieta Sieniawska, née Lubomirska (died in 1729), the castellan of Krakow and Izrael Rubinowicz (died in 1742/43), of Jewish origin, the general manager of the Rytwiany–Lubnice ... -
Managers, servants and correspondents. Mikołaj Krogulecki and Jan Antoni Lamprecht under the patronage of Maria Kazimiera Sobieska and Elżbieta Sieniawska, née Lubomirska in the years 1698–1714
(2019)The paper presents still relevant problem relating to the activity of two court officers – Mikołaj Korgulecki and Jan Andrzej Lamprecht on service of Queen Maria Kazimiera Sobieska and Elżbieta Sieniawska, née Lubomirska ... -
Utylitaryzm jako odpowiedź na etyczne wyzwania relatywizmu w filozofii Richarda Brandta
(2021-04-16)Brandt sformułował autorską propozycję rozumienia racjonalności proceduralnej. Koncepcja ta stanowi w jego etyce podstawę do wypracowania odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, jaki system etyczny wspierałaby osoba racjonalna ... -
Paul Kagame – biografia polityczna i realizowany model przywództwa
(2016)The purpose of this article is to present the most important facts of political biography of Paul Kagame (b. 23 Oct. 1957), the incumbent president of Rwanda, the main architect of the Rwandan reforms and the reconstruction ... -
Konstruktywizm a organiczność w polityce rozwoju lokalnego. Perspektywy dla rozwoju ekonomii społecznej
(2016)The paper deals with the problem of the organic approach towards contemporary economic problems. The nature of the problems calls for a more organic style of shaping policy and running public administration. The success ... -
Fakt czy artefakt? Patriotyzm w życiu młodego pokolenia Polaków
(2014)The article is an attempt to scientifically explain the role patriotism holds in the life of the Polish society. Special attention has been paid to young citizens, born after 1989, who understand and respect the value ... -
Powtarzalność i zmiana typów argumentacji w debacie parlamentarnej Porównawcza analiza dyskursu nad ustawodawstwem dotyczącym uboju rytualnego z 1936 i 2013 roku
(2014)Ideologies are treated as systems of beliefs with a high, creative role. They reflect the deep social relations and intentions, they create political space, in which units and groups can function, they can decide on the ... -
Forum Debaty Publicznej
(2014)A crisis of contemporary democracy, long proclaimed by political analysts, and the growing discontent with its practice have given a stimulus for various remedial actions. One of these actions is the idea of deliberative ... -
Polityka sporu. Poza polityką instytucjonalną?
(2014)The article is an attempt to present the growing importance of feud politics as an area beyond institutional politics. The issue discussed in the article seems to be up to date, especially in the context of modern day ... -
„Nowe wino w starych butelkach” – nowe partie w systemach partyjnych, na przykładzie Holandii
(2014)The main focus of the article is „new political party” concept and its implications in the established democracies. In the course of the article the authors combine two ranges of existing conceptualizations (quantitative ... -
Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa w zainteresowaniu służb specjalnych wybranych państw
(2014)The existence of NATO and the Warsaw Pact was the start of intensified competition for spheres of influence. Beneficiaries who were leading those political-military organizations, the United States and the Soviet Union, ... -
„Socjalizm, w który wierzę”: wyobrażenia społeczne Edwarda Lipińskiego
(2014)Edward Lipiński (1888–1986) – a brilliant economist, economy teaching and schools organizer, social thinker – he developed an incredibly rich and diverse intellectual and ideological activity, subject to prime values: ... -
Kategoria dobra wspólnego jako podstawa dobrego państwa w refleksji polskich środowisk katolickich
(2014)The common good is one of the most important contexts in social and humanistic sciences and also incredibly difficult ones to undoubtedly define. Throughout many centuries, the meaning of this concept has been filled ... -
Współczesny neofityzm polityczny na tle procesu komercjalizacji polityki
(2014)The heuristic layer of the article includes the argumentation of the thesis that going to the opposite party and political reorientation based on an egoistic motive, called political neophytism, is becoming an impulse ... -
Rozwój motoryzacji w Polsce w latach 1919–1930
(2010)Summarizing the first attempts to launch automobile production in the first decade of the 2nd Polish Republic, it must be stated that the vehicles manufactured in military factories were produced by means of workshop ... -
Elity administracyjne na Górnym Śląsku w latach 1990–1997 Przyczynek do studium przypadku
(2010)This article traces the administrative elite of the Upper Silesian region of Poland in the transition period of 1990–1997. In 1990, despite its perceived ineffectiveness, the administrative reform was introduced at the ... -
Czy socjalizm był fajny?
(2010)The problem discussed in this article is “the praise of socialism”, typical of the contemporary culture, combined with the progressing banalization of the problem in the media. Beside the research trend (necessarily ... -
Narracja i konwencja gotycka w przekazach reklamowych
(2010)The present article concerns the relations between the classically understood Gothicism and the modern advertising messages. Gothicism, which used to be an alternative, unpopular and non-commercial niche convention, has ...