Browsing Artykuły naukowe (WH) by Title
Now showing items 246-265 of 1841
Factors of interpersonal aggression prevention in Polish adolescents - personality and system of values
(Šiaulių Universitetas, 2009)Shalom Schwartz defined the core values "as desirable, trans-situational goals, varying in importance that serve as guiding principles in people’s lives". The value types proposed by Schwartz were as follows: power, ... -
Fakt czy artefakt? Patriotyzm w życiu młodego pokolenia Polaków
(2014)The article is an attempt to scientifically explain the role patriotism holds in the life of the Polish society. Special attention has been paid to young citizens, born after 1989, who understand and respect the value ... -
Fakt religijny jako fakt społeczny w koncepcji Stefana Czarnowskiego
(2006)The work presents Czarnowski's views on religion. It is mainly an attempt at defining his approach (methodology) towards religion. Czarnowski based his research on the sociological method applied by E. Dürkheim. According ... -
Fantastyczna krytyka - krytyczna fantastyka. O kłopotach współczesnej krytyki literackiej z literaturą fantastyczną
(2005)The phenomenon of literary hermeticism and critical “self-service” concern different environments: on the one hand the literary avant-garde, on the other popular literaturę, including science fiction. However, with the ... -
Fenomenologia utopii
(2005)Utopia undergoes constant evolution, and when we consider the work by leading utopian philosophers we can draw certain generalisations within the genre, and we can determine the main objective which is self-knowledge in ... -
Ferdynand Lassalle jako czytelnik książek (w świetle wydanego we Lwowie dzieła Hermanna Onckena Lassalle i katalogu sporządzonego ręką Grafin Hatzfeldt)
(2006)The article is based on the following materials: Hermann Oncken’s Lassalle, published in Lviv; Grafin Hatzfeldt’s “Bucher Catalog 24 October 1856”, stored in the Manuscripts Department of the University Library in Wrocław ... -
Filmowe sposoby antropologicznego poznania
(2008)The aim of this article is showing the methods of anthropological perception of man, phenomena and forms of culture through a film. All films, regardless of their form and genre, can be the bases of anthropological ... -
Filmy promujące wystawy czasowe – między marketingiem a edukacją kulturalną
(2017)Celem artykułu jest analiza wybranych trailerów popularyzujących wystawy czasowe w największych muzeach świata i uwypuklenie funkcji edukacyjnych tych filmów. Filmy promujące wystawy czasowe, poprzez swoją formę i treść ... -
Filozofia religii Ludwika Feuerbacha
(1972)The paper contains an attempt at ths representation and interpretation of Feuerbach's philosophy of religion. The author takes into consideration only one specific context of Feuerbach's philosophy of religion, namely: ... -
Filozofia spotkania w Polsce
(1993) -
(2010)The local government of Finland has been created over centuries, and its traditions go back to the period of its national relation with Sweden. In the current legal state, a province (Finn. lääni, Sw. län) is the biggest ... -
Forma logiczna i przedmioty. Spór Wittgensteina z Russellem
(2008)I start with the observation that the concept of ‘logical form’ appears in Russell’s theory of judgment because its previous versions needed some corrections. This theory, known as so called multiple relation theory of ... -
Formacje z sufiksem -ę (-ęt-) w XVI-XVIII w. w Polsce południowej
(2012)Formations with suffixes -ę, -ęta, -ąt originally appeared in the whole region of Poland, later the area was shrinking and today suffix -ę can only be found in the dialects of south-western Poland, while suffix -ak prevailed ... -
"Formuła Lymphatera" Stanisława Lema - zapomniana opowieść o Ijonie Tichym?
(2006)In 1961 Stanisław Lem published a collection of stories entitled The Book of Robots, which, among other short prose forms, included the first printed appearance of Lymphater’s Formula. It was preceded by an inscription ...