Nauczycielskie i uczniowskie trzeba (to zrobić) na lekcjach języka polskiego (w szkole podstawowej i w gimnazjum)
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Ożdżyński, Jan
Maliszewska, Teodozja
Źródło: Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 62, Studia Linguistica 4 (2008), s. [392]-405
Język: pl
Data: 2008
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Utterances including modal predicates trzeba i należy ("it ought to should be done") differ from sentences
including powinien ("one ought to/should do") in lack of an index of personal subject. Activities the sentences
express may refer to subjects with a large quantifier, e.g. trzeba należy mówić prawdę ("the truth ought to should
be told"); they may also refer to subjects that are more or less clearly shown in context: trzeba to powiedzieć (w
tym momencie) — "it ought to/should be told (at this moment)" understood as giving some advice (directive) and not
as a piece of information on an existing state of reality.
An obvious preference of perfect forms of infinitives in dictum position (trzeba to zrobić - "it ought to should
be done") in sentence and performative contexts, in structures with deontic modality is connected with the
situation of a teacher involved in running didactic activities, making advices and rules which are presented as
his/her own postulates that express his/her axiological standpoint.