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dc.contributor.authorObert, Viliampl_PL
dc.contributor.otherMieczkowska, Halina [tłumacz]pl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1986, Z. 102, Prace z Dydaktyki Literatury i Języka Polskiego 3, s. 91-[102]pl_PL
dc.description.abstractGenres of school literary education are represented by an intentional configuration of secondary literary texts which specify and regulate the teacher’s and the pupils’ work with the literary text in the process of school literary education. This configuration consists of two variants of metatexts: primary literary school metatexts and secondary literary school metatexts. The primary literary school metatext is the model of an original literary work presented in the form of a passage or a choice of poems. It is an invariant background for the functioning of secondary literary school metatexts. Secondary literary school metatexts form the literary educational model of school literary educational genres. The complexity and selectivity of different procedures result from the specificity and the character of school literary metatexts as models of original literary works. From a point of view of the program of the teaching literature there are several different types of secondary literary school metatexts (written or oral,) as e.g. complementary informative texts — formal, complementary kinds of metatexts, metatextual comments of passages, then linking text, supplementary text, table, biography as components of school interpretation; complementary paraphrastic texts — a type of complementary school texts which give secondary information about the prototext in the form of a rendering (music, dramatic, graphic, etc.) ; didactic instructive texts — the sum of texts aimed at an instructive deepening of the perception of literary texts by a child reader, e.g. didactic questions and exercises, literary theoretical definitions, literary historical surveys, summarizing information about literature, biographic — bibliographic information, etc.; didactic-receptive texts — metatexts deepening the perception of literary texts on the basis of reproductive, explicative and discursive methods; didactic situational texts — texts having a motivational, actualisational and improvisational character. Finally, there are institutional texts (teaching program, curriculum., methodic instruction, textbook, the pupils notes, the teacher’s preparation for lessons), pragmatic texts (class whisper, copying, a draw) and digressive retardational texts (differential instruction, parody, comments).en_EN
dc.titleFormy gatunkowe szkolnego kształcenia literackiego (zbiór szkolnych tekstów literackich)pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeGenres of school literary educationen_EN

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