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Walka o kataster : stosunki społeczne w południowych Włoszech w schyłkowym okresie feudalizmu na przykładzie jednej z gmin neapolitańskich
(2001)The notion of “the struggle of the cadastre” appears in the Italian historiography with reference to the reform and, at the same time, revindication tendencies which occurred both in the North and in the South of the ... -
Tematyka węgierska w polskich gazetach rękopiśmiennych z przełomu XVII i XVIII wieku
(2001)One of the most popular and widespread forms of public communication in Poland in the late Baroque, apart from the prolific private and public correspondence, were hand-written newspapers. The readers of those papers ... -
Kasy Stefczyka - czyli raiffeisenowska spółdzielczość kredytowa w rolnictwie chłopskim Polski niepodległej (1919-1939)
(2001)The study is a continuation of an analysis of operation of the credit unions of the Fryde- ryk W. Reiffeisen type, whose activity on the Polish territories was initiated by Dr Franciszek Stefczyk under the Austrian ... -
Walka o tron polski po śmierci Jana III Sobieskiego w świetle literatury politycznej
(2001)A long interregnum period following the death of Jan III Sobieski contributed to the development of political writings. Letters, which were written then, reflected the moods of the Polish gentry and testified to the ... -
Wpływ działalności oświatowo-wychowawczej Ľudovíta Štúra i jego naśladowców na kształtowanie się słowackiej świadomości narodowej w XIX wieku
(2001)The changes that took place in the Slovakian society and culture in the first half of the 19th century were greatly influenced by L. Štúr and his followers. The thirties and forties of the 19th century marked the beginning ... -
Salome, siostra Heroda Wielkiego - jej życie i działalność
(2001)Undoubtedly, Salome, Herod the Great’s sister was one of the most prominent women figures in the Herodian dynasty. Her personality had a strong influence over the events during the historic period from 37 to 4 B.C. With ... -
Manuel Godoy w świetle polskiej prasy przełomu XVIII/XIX wieku
(2001)The article aimed at presenting Manuel Godoy, whose image was outlined in the Polish press during the period 1792 -1808. Reports from Spain included in the Polish press focused on the political situation in the country ... -
Polacy pod Gettysburgiem
(2001)The article attempted to present the Polish participation in one of the most important battles in the United States history, namely a three-day combat at Gettysburg (July 1st to 3rd, 1863). The military actions of the ... -
Wizerunek twierdzy kamienieckiej w latach 1777-1779 w świetle listów Jana de Witte
(2001)The article was to present the history of the most important border stronghold, the Kamieniec Podolski Keep, in the period of several years during which Jan de Witte was its commander. It was his letters written in 1777-79 ... -
Wacław Marmon (1944-2000)
(2001) -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 3. Studia Historica 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2001) -
Członkowie Komendy Głównej SZP-ZWZ-AK więźniami KL Auschwitz
(2001)In October 1939, on the territory of the Polish Republic occupied by Hitler’s Germany, two organisational structures, whose objectives to be realised were clearly defined, confronted each other - on the one hand, the ... -
Stosunek ziemiaństwa do okupanta niemieckiego w dystrykcie radomskim 1939-1945
(2001)Having captured the territory of Poland and introduced their own administration, the Germans commenced to implement specific economic plans. The chief objective for the occupant on the territory of the General Gouvernement ...