Studia Historica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 380
Rozbudowa i dyslokacja wytwórni silników lotniczych w Polsce (1935-1939)
(2007)A three-year plan (1933-1936) for expanding aviation developed at the Headquarters marked a turning point in producing the aeronautical engines. The implementation of the process of building new craft (reconnaissance, ... -
„Emigracja czy ucieczka" - dylemat krakowskiego „Naprzodu" (1892-1918)
(2007)Economic emigration is an issue which has never invalidated either in historiography or in life. The problem perturbed the Polish society towards the end of the period of partitions. Individual political parties expressed ... -
Sztab połowy Rosyjskiej Cesarskiej Marynarki Wojennej w latach pierwszej wojny światowej
(2007)The article presents the organizational structure and the staff of the Field Headquarters of the Russian Imperial Navy during the First World War. After Russia had been involved in the war, land and sea military operations ... -
Bunt długich płaszczy i kapeluszy z szerokim rondem - znamienny symptom upadku Ancien régime'u w Hiszpanii w połowie XVIII wieku
(2007)This study concerns the events that took place in Madrid in March 1766 which made history and are known as the Esquilache Riots or as «the revolt of the long capes and broad- brimmed hats». The article is based not only ... -
Instytucja małżeństwa w świetle intercyz przedślubnych w okresie staropolskim
(2007)Prenuptial agreements provide us with much information on legal and moral aspects of contracting marriage. A premarital agreement defined the marriage portion given to a woman on her marriage and the length of time ... -
Wojna saska Karola Wielkiego i jej konsekwencje
(2007)The outbreak of the Saxon war was caused by Charlemagne’s determination to protect Neustria and the north-western part of Austrasia against being raided by Saxon tribes. The main political, church and economic institutions ... -
Misionári, gentes a christianizácia
(2007)The view on basic problems of the contemporary research of Christianization in early Middle Ages presented here reveals the complexity and also ambiguity of this process. For its comprehension is important to listen to ...