Studia Historica: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 161-180 z 380
Europejskie partie komunistyczne wobec przemian w Czechosłowacji w 1968 roku
(2008)In the night between the 20lh and 2151 of August, 1968, the armies of the Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary, the GDR and Bulgaria entered the territory of Czechoslovakia. In this way the “Prague spring”, a period of citizen ... -
Galicyjski Związek Młynów we Lwowie jako stowarzyszenie przedsiębiorców
(2008)The Galician Association of Mills was set up in Lviv in 1909, in reaction to the imperial-royal decree for the enterprisers to associate in order to industrialize production. It was a national trade organization and at ... -
Dyplomacja hiszpańska wobec rywalizacji mocarstw europejskich w Turcji (w świetle depesz przedstawicieli Hiszpanii w Konstantynopolu w latach 1831-1841)
(2008)The aim of the presented study is establishing how much of the events in the Middle East in 1831-1841 was known to, and how it was understood by the Spanish diplomacy, as well as whether the authorities in Madrid were ... -
Po upadku Liceum Krzemienieckiego (1805-1831). Polemiki i wspomnienia
(2008)The Lyceum of Krzemieniec was founded by Tadeusz Czacki, in cooperation with Hugo Kołłątaj, in 1805, under the name of Gymnasium of Wołyń. Throughout less than 26 years of its existence, the school earned a permanent ... -
Kler neapolitański w 1799 roku wobec kwestii pozyskania ludu dla Republiki Partenopejskiej
(2008)The author of the article investigates the less-known facts of the 1799 Naples revolution, named by its participants a “passive revolution”; special emphasis is placed on the participation of the internally divided ... -
Skarga ubogiego szlachcica na niesprawiedliwość świata tego - źródło do historii mentalności czasów saskich
(2008)The article is devoted to a 18th-century confession-complaint, which was written down by Franciszek Husarzewski, a poor nobleman from Podlasie, a lieutenant of infantry of king August II. It is difficult to establish why ... -
Konflikty między biskupami Wschodu po soborze w Nicei
(2008)The Council of Nicaea did not bring the Church the expected peace. The first stage of the long period of conflict lasted until the death of emperor Constantine in 337. At that time, we witness a reaction against the ... -
Kuratela Tybru i prefektura miasta - najwyższe urzędy administracyjne stolicy Rzymu w cursus honorum P.Corneliusa Anullinusa i L. Caesoniusa Lucillusa Macera Rufinianusa
(2008)The article is devoted to the curators of the Tiber who were honoured with the city prefecture at the end of their career. In the period of principáte the city prefecture and the three “curae” (cura aquarum, cura alvei ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 57. Studia Historica 7
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2008) -
Marian Fortuna (1950-2006)