Studia Historica: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 141-160 z 380
„Małżonce mojej za życzliwość zaś jej i pracę…” – w kręgu rodziny Franciszka Marcina Wolskiego
(2013)The article analyzes family relations of a fisherman, Krakow burgher Franciszek Maciej Wolski based on the last will found in the collection of the National Archives in Krakow (the Wawel Branch). From the last will, we ... -
Próby unowocześnienia administracji lokalnej, przemysłu i rewitalizacji miast w województwie krakowskim w dobie stanisławowskiej (1764–1795)
(2013)The last thirty years of the existence of the Republic of Nobles, also called the Stanislaus’ epoch or times, was a period of cultural and economic growth that resulted from introducing a new economic policy similar to ... -
Parafia św. Mikołaja w Baćkowicach w okresie przedrozbiorowym
(2013)The article attempts to reconstruct the past of the parish in Baćkowice located in the Świętokrzyskie Voievodship. Based on the available written sources, it tries to outline the history of the parish and the settlements ... -
Słonie bojowe w antycznych traktatach wojskowych
(2013)Treaties devoted to the theory of the military system belong to one of the most important groups of ancient sources. Preserved works were created over almost a thousand years which left its mark on the quality and ... -
Motywy orientalne w greckim malarstwie wazowym okresu geometrycznego (Kronika Geometryczna)
(2013)The article discusses the formation of the painting decoration of Greek pottery from the geometric period considered from the perspective of the potential sources of inspiration from which its creators could draw. ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 142. Studia Historica 15
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2013)