Studia Historica: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 61-80 z 380
Krakowskie Stowarzyszenie im. Róży Rockowej byłych Wychowanków Zakładu Wychowania Sierot Żydowskich
(2012)The article presents the history of a little-known Krakow Jewish charity association called Róża Rock’s Association of the former Wards of the Fostering Centre for Jewish Orphans. Until now, academic literature devoted ... -
Eksport sprzętu lotniczego do Rumunii (1927–1939)
(2012)When summing up the history of the aircraft export, it needs to be mentioned that the attempts of expansion were a result of excessive development of the aircraft manufacturers in comparison with the financial capabilities ... -
„Wieś Niegoszowice moją dziedziczną i przezemnie nabytą z jej przyległościami, między Krakowem a Krzeszowicami leżącą”, czyli o właścicielach dworu i dóbr niegoszowickich
(2012)Citizens of Krakow as well as members of the gentry connected with Lesser Poland can be enumerated among the owners of Niegoszowcie – a village located less than 20 kilometres to the west of Krakow. Some of them owned ... -
Kształtowanie się sieci parafialnej w prepozyturze kieleckiej w czasach średniowiecza
(2012)The article Formation of the parish network in the Kielce provostry in the Middle Ages is divided into two parts. The first part focuses mainly on examining the development of the church network and defining the age of ... -
Bibliografia zawartości czasopisma „Prace Historyczne” i „Studia Historica” za lata 1962–2012
(2012)Zawartość niniejszej bibliografii, obejmującej dotychczas wydane tomy, ukazuje rozwój samego pisma, jak też Instytutu Historii. W początkowym okresie istnienia czasopisma dominowała w nim przede wszystkim problematyka ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 127. Studia Historica 12 (tom jubileuszowy)
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2012) -
Film Krzyżacy Aleksandra Forda. W uścisku rozmaitych ideologii
(2011)The article discusses various ideological conditionings in whose clutch Ford’s film “Knights of the Teutonic Order” is located. They cause that it is impossible to perceive the film onesidedly. “Ideological conditionings,” ... -
Tradycja grunwaldzka w Polsce po 1918 roku. Między polityczną koniecznością a społecznym oczekiwaniem
(2011)Among the numerous problems that arose along with the regaining of independence, the question of Poles’ national identity played an important role. Naturally, the Polish victory in the battle of Grunwald in 1410 appeared ... -
Bitwa pod Grunwaldem w polskich podręcznikach do historii
(2011)The picture of the battle of Grunwald presented in the Polish history textbooks, from those published during the partitions through the interwar textbooks to the post-war ones and those used after the educational reform ... -
Wizerunek bitwy pod Grunwaldem w podręcznikach szkolnych Litwy z lat 1906–2010
(2011)Grunwald has occupied an important place in every Lithuanian history textbook, in most of them the event is devoted a separate chapter. The author of the article states that the older textbooks provided no information ... -
Uwarunkowania rozwoju tradycji grunwaldzkiej w XIX i na początku XX wieku
(2011)On the cusp of the 19th and 20th centuries the Grunwald tradition was becoming one of the basic instruments of forming the historical awareness, especially among the plebeians, and the feeling of unity in the period ... -
Książę Witold Wielki w kampanii letniej 1410 r. w ocenie Jana Długosza
(2011)The author of the article shows that both the Polish and Lithuanian historiography pays great attention to the opinion of Jan Długosz on Prince Vytautas the Great. The reason for this interest is the fact that Jan Długosz ... -
Beneficjenci Wielkiej wojny wśród rycerstwa polskiego
(2011)In the article I tried to present those of Polish knights whom the “Great War” brought measurable benefits, whose political and clerical careers were boosted and fortunes increased. They achieved that thanks to King ... -
Bitwa pod Grunwaldem w pracach historyków litewskich
(2011)The author of the article explores the onomastic conceptions of the battle of Grunwald appearing in the Lithuanian literature. The name „Žalgirio mūšis,” which is a translation of the German “Grünwald” into Lithuanian, ... -
Czy duchowni kronikarze potrafili opisać „wielkie starcie”? Uwagi o bitwie, liczebności i stratach obu armii w świetle źródeł i nowszej historiografii polskiej
(2011)The author of the article presents an in-depth analysis of narrative sources about the battle, namely: “The chronicle of the conflict between Wladyslaw, King of Poland and the Teutonic Knights” (“Kronika konfliktu ... -
Armia króla Władysława Jagiełły w drodze pod Grunwald
(2011)For years, the route followed by the Polish-Lithuanian army on its way to Grunwald in 1410 has been arousing controversy as the sources do not allow for its clear-cut determination. From the moment when Jagiello’s army ... -
Wstęp [w: Studia Historica 11]
(2011) -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 99. Studia Historica 11 (wydanie specjalne). Bitwa pod Grunwaldem w historii i tradycji Polski i Litwy
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -