Przeglądaj 2003, Studia Historica 2 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 26
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 17. Studia Historica 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2003) -
Armia Judei jako symbol narodowy w okresie panowania dynastii Hasmoneuszy (168/167 - 63 przed Chr.)
(2003)The Jewish national army was of great significance to the national awareness of every Jew. However, the reign of Alexander Janneus (103-76 B.C.) marks the decline of its meaning of a symbol unifying the Jewish nation, ... -
Bipedes bestiae - obraz Hunów w oczach autorów rzymskich IV i V w. n. e.
(2003)The author traces the changes in the depiction of the Huns in Roman literature since the Romans’ first encounter with those “two-legged beasts” until the break of the 5th and 6th centuries. Sample descriptions of the ... -
Działalność konspiracyjna Stronnictwa Demokratycznego (1939-1945)
(2003)The Democratic Party (SD) started its underground activities in the first months of German occupation. It played a significant role in Underground Poland, although considerably minor in comparison with the activity of ... -
Grzech książki zakazanej [cenzura kościelna w świetle zbiorów Biblioteki Casanatense]
(2003)Dramatic events during the 16th and 18th centuries were responsible for the destruction of part of the Vatican Archives including the documents on the Inquisition and ecclesiastical censorship. Thus, it is worth drawing ... -
Kobieta hiszpańska w relacjach podróżników zagranicznych u schyłku oświecenia i w epoce romantyzmu
(2003)The article aims at establishing how travellers perceived, depicted and evaluated Spanish women in the context of their rich travelling experience. What were the aspects those travellers focused on, did their reports ... -
O listach Bohdana Chmielnickiego
(2003)The study deals with several hundred letters of Bohdan Chmielnicki from the years 1648-1657. They come from the most active period of the Hetman of the Zaporozhye army and they both testify to his excellent diplomatic ... -
Plan Marshalla w czechosłowackiej prasie (czerwiec-sierpień 1947)
(2003)Immediately after George Marshall’s declaration to provide assistance to Europe in the process of its reconstruction (on June 5, 1947), the Czechoslovakian press tried to avoid taking a definite stand in the matter. ... -
Początki produkcji silników lotniczych w II Rzeczypospolitej (1921-1926)
(2003)Using, as an example, the activities of the French-Polish Car and Aircraft Works (Frankopol), the author presented difficulties which a modern defence industry of the Second Republic of Poland had to face with. The main ... -
Polacy i Ukraińcy między koegzystencją a konfrontacją
(2003)The Polish-Ukrainian neighbourhood was of great significance to both nations for many reasons: 1. Polish-Ukrainian border territory, which included the lands inhabited by both ethnic groups in 10%, constituted approximately ...