Wydział Nauk Ścisłych i Przyrodniczych (WMFT): Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 927
Self-esteem and forming of the child’s personal boundaries in the parenting process
(2015)Education should establish a balance between firmness and respect for children to have proper self-esteem. It often happens that when there is discipline, there is no respect, which lowers the self-esteem of the child. ... -
Work as Basic Category of Work Pedagogy
(2015)Work is a form of human activity that leads to solving some situations through performing certain actions. Another important human activities, apart from work, are learning and play. There is an essential connection ... -
Information support of steganography messages hiding
(2015)Hiding information with steganography means an actual and complicated task from the point of view of modern achievements and data transfer possibilities. So, modeling of information processes of messages hiding with ... -
On the stability of the squares of some functional equations
(2015)We consider the stability, the superstability and the inverse stability of the functional equations with squares of Cauchy’s, of Jensen’s and of isometry equations and the stability in Ulam-Hyers sense of the alternation of ... -
Stability of a generalization of the Fréchet functional equation
(2015)We prove some stability and hyperstability results for a generalization of the well known Fréchet functional equation, stemming from one of the characterizations of the inner product spaces. As the main tool we use a ... -
Another description of continuous solutions of a nonlinear functional inequality
(2008)The paper gives a general construction of all continuous solutions of inequality (1) ful lling one of conditions (5) or (26). This paper is a continuation of [3]. -
On functional bases of the first-order differential invariants for non-conjugate subgroups of the Poincaré group $P(1,4)$
(2008)It is established which functional bases of the first-order differential invariants of the splitting and non-splitting subgroups of the Poincaré group $P(1,4)$ are invariant under the subgroups of the extended Galilei group ... -
Graf i digraf jako ikoniczne środki stochastycznych argumentacji
(2008)The work concerns the role of graphs (diagrams) as geometrical tools of mathematization and argumentation in school stochastics. -
Ziarnista przestrzeń probabilistyczna i jej tangram - geometryczne argumentacje w stochastyce
(2008)The work concerns the concept of grain probabilistic space, forms of its geometrical presentations, some of its interpretations on reality ground and the activity of transferring the mathematical contents from one form ... -
Zadania z rachunku prawdopodobieństwa a zasada integracji w nauczaniu matematyki
(2008)Some examples of exercises in probability from the secondary school books axe discussed. In author’s opinion they combine contents from various branches of mathematics in an artificial way. Next part of the paper contains ... -
Wartość oczekiwana zmiennej losowej i jej fizyczna interpretacja
(2008)A physical interpretation of the notion of the expected value of a random variable is considered. Relationships between the center of mass of a solid and the expected value of a random variable are showed. -
Waga zbioru tras prowadzących do węzła brzegowego na grafie stochastycznym złożonym
(2008)In this paper we present a method of calculating the weight factor of all traces leading to a fixed boundary node in a stochastic graph. The results obtained here find application in calculating probabilities of some ... -
Zobrazowanie 3D – techniczne i psychofizyczne uwarunkowania realizacji odbioru obrazu
(2014)Spatial vision is a natural way of perceiving of the surrounding world. It thus comes as natural that only few people ponder on why we see three-dimensional images. On the other hand, the flatness of the photographic ... -
Uproszczony dobór okresu próbkowania
(2014)The paper is devoted to the selection of the sampling period for the conventional PI and PID digital controller tuning. Simple criteria for its selection are described. -
System i struktura kompetencji kluczowych w krajach Unii Europejskiej i OECD
(2014)“For technology education, to provide the basis of general education means to strengthen mainly the ratio of general education and the ratio of the broad-scale vocational education” (Vargova 2010, p. 57). The key competences ... -
Primary Technical Education and the Technology Development
(2014)For centuries, man has had a connection with technology, in different forms. In the 18th century the Committee of National Education wished to implement the concept of practical-technical lessons at schools. Lessons of ... -
Aplikacja wspomagająca organizację praktyki pedagogicznej
(2014)The aim of this project is to design and introduce an application which facilitates teaching practice at the Institute of Technology at Pedagogical University of Cracow. The design and implementation of this programme ... -
Twierdzenie o próbkowaniu z perspektywy przestrzeni Hilberta
(2014)Sampling theorem is a fundamental theorem used for digital signal processing of analogue signals. Its classic derivation relies on Fourier series and Fourier transform, used as independent mathematical tools. By using ... -
Możliwości i wykorzystanie energetyki wiatrowej w Europie
(2014)The aim of the study is to analyze the possibilities of wind energy development and the utilization of wind energy for energy security so as to guarantee the proper functioning of the economy in the European Union. Land ... -
Możliwości i wykorzystanie energetyki wiatrowej w Polsce
(2014)The energy industry is the cornerstone of the economy of each country, because wind energy is used by all sectors of the economy commerce. It is possible to estimate the price of energy in the energy market and to adapt ...