Artykuły naukowe (WMFT): Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 756
Regulatory analogowe o dwóch stopniach swobody
(2013)Controllers with two-degree-of-freedom have recently been more and more frequently available. Description of their operation has not been worked out in literature up to now. The aim of the paper is to show the basic ... -
Techniki jonowe w inżynierii powierzchni
(2013)In this work the basis of ion beam techniques used in surface engineering are presented. The main ion beam method applied to modify the properties of the materials surface and/or to form the coating on the surface are ... -
Analiza funkcji rozkładu orientacji krystalitów. Opracowanie programu komputerowego
(2013)An example of the texture analysis based on the graphical representations of the orientation distribution function has been presented in the paper. -
Zastosowanie wgłębnika Vickersa do pomiaru odporności na pękanie powierzchniowe spieków ceramicznych
(2013)Results of research into determination of indentation fracture toughness measurement of advanced ceramics for example of $α-Al_2O_3$ and $Al_2O_3-ZrO_2$ composite has been presented in this work. Indentation fracture ... -
Electron structure of $ScFe_2Si_2$ compound: theory and experiment
(2013)For the first time, for a compound with the $HfFe_2S_2$ structure it is established on the basis of X-ray emission spectroscopy the structure of valence band. Band structure and theoretical spectra of X-ray emission bands ... -
Charakterystyka małej elektrowni wiatrowej o pionowej osi obrotu na przykładzie turbiny Savoniusa
(2013)This article describes the construction, advantages and disadvantages of a small vertical wind turbine with savonius rotor. There is also presented the results of comparison of two wind turbines: vertical and horizontal ... -
Zapotrzebowanie energetyczne budynku jednorodzinnego w kontekście dyrektyw Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady Unii Europejskiej w sprawie ograniczenia zużycia energii i zmniejszenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych
(2013)This article aims to show how committed errors and inaccuracies during construction of the building and during the design phase impact on the energy demand of residential building and its operating costs. The issue of ... -
Integration of conservation and environmental management systems in the sustainable development in Poland
(2013)The Constitution of Poland provides protection of the environment, guided by the principle of sustainable development and provides environmental protection as the duty of public authorities, which, through its policies ... -
Ekonomiczne i ekologiczne aspekty pozyskiwania gazu wysypiskowego
(2013)This paper is a short characteristic of landfill made in Poland. There are different uses of landfill gas regarding composition (methane content) and quantity. The use of bio gas is profitable, if the surface of landfill ... -
Poziom postaw twórczych a uczestnictwo w technologii informacyjnej na przykładzie gier komputerowych
(2013)Children’s and youth’s participation in the media and multimedia reception, and the observation of the different levels of children’s and youth’s creativity, raise a question about the relation between these two categories. ... -
Sposoby zabezpieczania komputerów przed dostępem dzieci i młodzieży do stron niepożądanych
(2013)Parents may, and should, have control over the access to undesirable content that children and youth may have while using the Internet. Unattended, children may not even be aware of the fact that they have come across ... -
Obliczanie częstotliwości drgań własnych modyfikowanych tarczowych elementów konstrukcji z wykorzystaniem metody aproksymacji połączonych
(2013)In the paper combined approximations (CA) hybrid method was proposed as effective reanalysis approach for computation of natural frequencies of the modified shear structure. CA procedure is applied in case of the same ... -
Badania struktury uwadnianych hydrofilowych matryc polimerowych z substancjami o różnej rozpuszczalności na przykładzie hydroxypropylmetylocelulozy
(2013)The paper describes research studies on structure of hydrating polymeric matrices loaded with active (drug) substances of different water solubility as well as their temporal evolution. Reviewed studies were performed ... -
Zastosowanie obliczeniowej dynamiki płynów w badaniach aerodynamicznych dla przemysłu motoryzacyjnego
(2013)The paper presents an aerodynamic analysis of the car body. The computer 3D simulations were made for BMW car (series no. 3). During the study computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method was used. The aerodynamic drag ... -
Selected aspects of the competence of an elementary and junior high school technology teacher
(2013)To be a competent technological subjects teacher means to have certain moral, axiological and cognitive features as well as particular personal qualities. All that is connected with the ability to perceive important ... -
Nowoczesne metody spiekania
(2013)The article presents an overview of phenomena for microwave sintering and Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). In the paper the microwave and SPS apparatus are shown. Microwave heating phenomena is different from conventional ... -
Platforma Moodle – efektywne narzędzie edukacji
(2013)The aim was to present the essence and principles of operation of the platform Moodle (Modular Object–Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) as an ICT learning environment. It works in a variety of the most popular ... -
Metodyka badań symulacyjnych obiektów opisanych nieliniowym układem równań różniczkowych przy zastosowaniu pakietu MATLAB/Simulink
(2013)In this paper the way of simulation implementation of complex objects is presented. These object are described by differential equations, which are non-linear in many cases. Project with using MATLAB/Simulink was realized. -
Socjalizacyjno-wychowawcza funkcja czasopism dla miłośników gier komputerowych
(2013)The press is known as chronologically the oldest medium. The press is understood to mean the periodicals, that are publicly disseminated and are showing the current processes and events of political, social, economic, ... -
Przegląd typowych modernizacji w budynkach ścianowych
(2012)In the paper, typical modernizations of load-bearing wall apartment and public buildings are discussed. Changes in construction of prefabricated buildings are considered. Examples of modernization applied in Poland and ...