Artykuły naukowe (WMFT): Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 141-160 z 756
Symulacyjne metody badania elementów i układów regulacji
(2010)In the paper selected possibilities of realization of investigations of dynamic systems in automatics and mechatronics laboratory praxis are considered.. Application of module BP – 40 recommended by firm FESTO DIDACTIC ... -
Faza międzymetaliczna $Ni_3Al$ – właściwości i zastosowanie
(2010)A description of the important physical metallurgy aspects of $Ni_3Al$ encompassing structure, slip systems is presented in this paper. Emphasis has been placed on explanation low ductility and brittle fracture of $Ni_3Al$ ... -
Zastosowanie algorytmów ewolucyjnych do optymalizacji układów mechatronicznych
(2010)In this paper is colleted elementary information about evolutionary algorithms. There are described applied evolutionary operators (mutation, progressive mutation, and crossover) and selection (roulette-wheel selection, ... -
Ekologiczne i edukacyjne aspekty wykorzystania energii promieniowania słonecznego na przykładzie systemu instalacji kolektorów słonecznych zlokalizowanych na krytej pływalni
(2010)The main aspect of energy politics is the limitation of energy sources that burdensome for natural biotopeware. Crossing ecological barrier might cause serious environmental damages. Solar collectors are used for the ... -
Analiza opłacalności wykorzystania energii promieniowania słonecznego w aspekcie edukacyjnym, ekonomicznym i ekologicznym
(2010)The growth of demand on fuel, which is not burdensome for natural biotopeware, introduced in this article. The source of such energy is solar radiation. Solar collectors are device servant to it practical unfair advantage. ... -
Study plan at university with industrial case studies
(2010)Jako najbardziej trafny przykład praktyczny zaprezentowano zarządzanie projektem grantowym dotyczącym tworzenia wyposażenia/oprzyrządowania do wizualizacji 3D tętnicy szyjnej. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia pozytywne ... -
Odkształcenie nadplastyczne w mosiądzach α+β za pomocą ciśnienia gazu
(2010)In the present paper bases of superplastic deformation in metals are described starting from the first papers up to the recent industrial application. The aim of the investigations was superplastic deformation of α+β ... -
CAD in preparation of the Special Subject teachers
(2010)Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie programu CAD (Comupter Aided Design) w nauczaniu przedmiotu Przedmioty specjalne. Jest on oferowany w programie studiów licencjackich i magisterskich przez Instytut Kształcenia Technicznego ... -
Specyfika funkcji zawodowych nauczycieli w procesie stosowania technicznych środków nauczania
(2010)The features which a good teacher-educator should have and which allow him/ her to have any educational influence over pupils have been the matter of consideration for many years. For a long time scholars have tried to ... -
Problemy zaawansowanego utleniania w ekologicznym i technologicznym aspekcie stosowania mas formierskich
(2010)The article presents consequental problems of the toxic emmision of the chemical compounds (hazardous air pollutions) from the moulding sands in the casting process. Described one of the methods of the decrease toxic ... -
Control systems for plants with time delay
(2015)The paper deals with a control of plants with time delay. Two of the most important control systems, which are used for control of plants with dominant time delay, are compared and their qualitative properties are shown. ... -
Friction coefficient and adhesion of the PLD formed Ti-B/Ti-Si-C coatings to steel substrates
(2015)Ceramic, bilayer Ti-B/Ti-Si-C coatings produced by pulsed laser ablation of TiB2 and Ti[x]Si[y]C target (containing 92% of Ti[3]SiC[2] weight) on a substrate of AISI 316L (X2CrNiMo17-12-2 / 1.4404). The process for the ... -
Wall temperatures dependency determination using correlation analysis
(2015)This paper is focused on the statistical processing of temperature data measured in intelligent building with a goal to obtain their dependencies between each temperature sensor located inside the building and also inside ... -
Application of high-strength AHSS steels with TRIP effect in motorcar bodywork
(2015)The paper discusses the AHSS steels with the TRIP (Transformation Induced Plasticity) effect used in the construction of motorcar bodywork components, which characterize in excellent properties. It also points to possible ... -
Modern high-manganese steels for motor industry
(2015)The paper presents the characteristics of high-manganese steels of high deformability, which, at the same time, maintain high strength and much higher energy absorption ability than the conventional steels. The high ... -
Simulation of level-crossing sampling of stochastic processes
(2015)In this report we describe the procedure of generating a random Gaussian process with a given autocorrelation function and the sampling of this signal at the points where it crosses the predefined levels. To improve ... -
Possibilities of wind energy utilization
(2015)The continuous increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide and rising energy prices due to depletion of non-renewable energy sources is forcing in many countries of the world exploration of new sources of energy. One ... -
Laser-induced structure transformation in Fe-Cu-Nb-Si-B amorphous alloy
(2015)Changes of structure of Fe-Cu-Nb-Si-B amorphous alloy upon laser irradiation have been studied by means of X-ray diffraction method. It shown that nanocrystallization process occurs and this process significantly depends ... -
Children’s Memory and Learning Process
(2015)Children have different innate abilities, tendencies and drives that are used when gaining new experiences and learning about the surrounding world. Learning leads to the behaviour changes. Experiences of the individual ... -
Didactic aspects of using Raspberry Pi minicomputer in school science lab
(2015)Raspberry Pi minicomputer can be used in vocational training. It is hard to get quick benefits of the computer based on Linux System if one has no experience and proper knowledge with it. However, the time spent on ...