Studia Politologica: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 21-40 z 209
Baza materialna i stan kadrowy sądownictwa na Górnym Śląsku w pierwszych miesiącach po wyzwoleniu
(2011)The situation of the judiciary in Upper Silesia after World War II resembled to some extent the circumstances of the creation of the Polish justice system in 1922. In both study periods, the basic problem was the shortage ... -
Reformy terenowego aparatu władzy i administracji. Od likwidacji samorządu do prób jego odbudowy
(2011)The Polish People’s Republic can be divided into five basic stages of rebuilding the system of local government and administration, for which the boundary years were 1944, 1950, 1958, 1972 and 1983. The reforms carried ... -
Modernizacja Polski lokalnej. Fakty, mity, oceny
(2011)The process of modernization must take into account the territorial balance. Therefore, considering the modernization of Poland in the years 1945–1989, this paper presents the regional and local specificities of the ... -
Polskie służby specjalne w latach 1983–1996. Wybrane aspekty
(2011)Special services are an area of interest in different environments whose evaluation is not always objective. Obtaining knowledge of policies behind the tasks implemented by these services as well as their structures and ... -
Układ z 1970 roku o podstawach normalizacji stosunków z RFN – przypadek ponadpolitycznej zgody?
(2011)Signed on 7 December 1970 between the Polish People’s Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany, the agreement on the grounds for normalizing relations is often judged through the prism of the late Władysław Gomułka ... -
Problem delimitacji granic oraz współpracy gospodarczej w relacjach polsko-radzieckich w latach 1945–1956
(2011)The paper entitled „The problem of delimitation of borders and economic cooperation in Polish - Soviet relations in the period 1945–1956” raises the issues of bilateral relations since the end of the war, which are ... -
Wybrane aspekty modernizacji i regresu w Polsce i Ukrainie: analiza porównawcza
(2011)The authors of the article conduct a multiaspectual comparative analysis of the conditoins, stages and effects of modernization in Poland and Ukrainę from the end of the WWI until today. -
Praca zawodowa kobiet w Polsce w latach 1945–1970 na tle porównawczym
(2011)The aim of the present reflection was to answer the question of how the basic phenomena related to the employment of women in the years 1945-1970 in Poland were specific, and to what extent they can be regarded as ... -
Transformacja systemu bankowego PRL
(2011)The banking system in the Polish communist period was closely associated with programme assumptions of the centrally planned economy. Banks did not serve their normal role. Their functioning was not for profit, which is ... -
Firmy polonijno-zagraniczne jako przejaw rozwoju sektora prywatnego u schyłku PRL-u
(2011)The socio-economic situation of the late seventies and eighties made ‘Polonia’ entrepreneurs able to conduct business in the country. The factor that contributed to stimulating the private sector development in this form ... -
Przedsiębiorstwa żywienia społecznego w realiach PRL. Model żywienia zbiorowego w warunkach przyspieszonej modernizacji i jego realizacja
(2011)The most important manifestation of changes in the culinary culture suffered by the Poles in the second half of the twentieth century was widespread collective catering. Promoting the idea of collective catering was ... -
Związki zawodowe w Polsce Ludowej – od dobrych początków do totalnej klęski
(2011)The paper presents the situation of trade unions in communist Poland; from the end of hostilities until the transition period they remained in conflict with the state. The reason for such a long conflict was the place ... -
Ciągłość czy zmiana? Ład gospodarczy w Polsce Ludowej w latach 80.
(2011)Thinking about the economy, ideas and actions was influenced mainly by a structural crisis, financial insolvency and Gorbachev’s perestroika, or top-down revolution, which assumed not only the postulates of shifting ... -
Gomułkowskie dylematy modernizacji gospodarki
(2011)The rule of Władysław Gomułka in the period 1956-1970 began in an atmosphere of hope for change in the economic system and economic policy. And indeed, the end of the 1950s brought a number of activities of the communist ... -
Wizje nowoczesnej gospodarki w Polsce Ludowej
(2011)Socialist economy was to be a modern economy. The paper attempts to answer the question of how modernity was conceived at different times of the existence of the Polish People’s Republic. The author draws attention to ... -
„Dyktatura głodomorów”. Rzecz o twórcach i realizatorach autorytarnej Polski międzywojennej i totalitarnej Polski Ludowej
(2011)The twentieth century is associated with the dominance, in some parts of the world, of authoritarian and totalitarian systems with strong anti-democratic attitudes. These transformations are often compared to social ... -
Kształtowanie nowych granic państwa polskiego po II wojnie światowej a przyszłość polityczna, gospodarcza i kulturowa Rzeczypospolitej
(2011)The main goal of this article is to show how important for the emigration authorities of the Polish state was the issue of the shape of the borders of post-war Poland. Declaring the willingness to fight for independence, ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 87. Studia Politologica 5
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -
Pomiędzy utopią a predykcją (refleksje publicystyczne)
(2017)The article presents the vision of the development of countries and societies as seen in three works from the 1990s: Francis Fukuyama’s End of History, Samuel Huntington’s The Clash of Civilisations and Benjamin Barber’s ... -
Mity korzenne a mity rdzenne – implikacje moralne
(2017)The text tells about functioning of mythological thinking in novel Drach by Szczepan Twadoch and so colled Smolensk poetry, and then shows the manner in which such a thinking is employed to familiarize the cruel and ...