Studia Philosophica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 65
Rozkłady nieregularne w antropologii
(2008) -
O kosmologii jako nowoczesnej filozofii przyrody
(2008)The author presents main heuristics hints of modern natural philosophy. In M. Zabierowski’s cosmosophy, as an example, special problems of natural science obtain their philosophical interpretation. -
O potrzebie uniwersum aksjologicznego w psychologii humanistycznej
(2008)The article is a continuation of the authors’ considerations devoted to value problem in humanistic psychology of Maslow and Rogers. The values are discussed in three perspectives: naturalistic, humanistic, and ontological. ... -
The critique of the foundational postulates of cognitive grammar
(2008)The author points out and analyses the foundational assumptions of cognitive grammar. The author sees the substitutions of informationally basic concepts with cognitively basic concepts, the relational description of ... -
Lakunarność i inne miary fraktalne w neuroobrazowaniu
(2008)This paper presents original results of fractal measureds application to analyses of medical images. Shape and surface field measures of medical imaging data are presented. The main part of this work concerns the fractal ... -
Propozycja jakościowej klasyfikacji struktur pęcherzykowych
(2008)It is shown on real and simulated flow structure examples that quantitative characterization of structure with volume fraction, interphase surface and objects’ diameter distribution of dispersed phase may contain ... -
O zagadnieniu testu kosmologicznego na przykładzie weryfikacji empirycznej pola lambda
(2008)The article describes the genesis of Einsteinian field equations supplied by so called Λ term. The field equations as models of global geometrical and physical structure (the Universe) are examined by comparison with ... -
O występowaniu czynników estetycznych w modelowaniu przedmiotów zjawiskowych – w klasycznym ujęciu nauk fizykalnych
(2008)In the article, the parallelism of scientific cognition and aesthetic appraisal in theoretical modeling of physical science object is discussed. Disimilarity of two ontologies is shown: ontology of aesthetic objects and ... -
Intelektualne zabiegi modelowania a piękno obiektu zjawiskowego
(2008)The method of scientific theoretical modeling of phenomenal object (PO) is presented. The theoretical object (TO), which results from the modeling, is related to intermediate analogic mental object (AMO). All these three ... -
Propozycja modelowania poznania za pomocą teorii hipergrafów
(2008)The theory of hypergraphs is presented as a tool representing empirical data (characteristics of the studied object). Such a knowledge representation can be analysed owing to operations defined in hypergraph structure. ... -
Metoda naukowa mechaniki Newtonowskiej a kryterium demarkacji
(2008)Three laws of Newtonian dynamics are analysed on account of physical, mathematical and ontological contents. It is pointed out that the complete axiom set of material point mechanics includes three laws of dynamics as ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 60. Studia Philosophica 5
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2008) -
Metafilozofia Jana Pawła II w encyklice "Fides et ratio"
(2006)The author discusses, examines and comments the nature of John Paul II’s viewpoint on the scope and method of philosophy presented in His encyclical „Fides et ratio”, and His evaluation of some philosophical trends, ... -
Asceza jako jedno z działań transgresyjnych w świetle myśli chrześcijańskiej
(2006)The author considers both philosophical and psychological aspects of Karol Wojtyla’s understanding of the religious ascetism as a standard way of overcoming one’s own ego. The ascetism is presented: from the perspective ... -
Problematyka etyki środowiskowej w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II
(2006)Eco-ethics is a subject of consideration in many of John Paul II’s writings and speeches. The Pope successfully combines the questions of environmental protection and ethical message which is the usual quality of His ... -
Pojęcie normy w etyce Karola Wojtyły - Jana Pawła II
(2006)The author presents the essentials of Karol Wojtyla’s anthropology and ethics with reference to Aristotelian and Tomist philosophy, as well as the significance of phenomenological thought of Max Scheler. Careful consideration ... -
Maxa Schelera koncepcja filozoficznej antropologii etyczno-personalistycznej
(2006)The author reconstructs Max Scheler’s philosophy of person and discusses the term person, which is so difficult to define, by providing an example of Scheler’s „Man’s Absolute Centre” understood as intended continuing ... -
Biblijne korzenie pojęcia "osoby" w filozofii Emmanuela Mouniera
(2006)The twentieth century personalism represented, among others, by Karol Wojtyła who later became Pope John Paul II, is deeply rooted in French philosophical thought. The conception of personalism by one of its representatives, ...