Studia Historicolitteraria: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 491
Tradycje grunwaldzkie w tekstach kultury
(2012)The author traces the influences of the Battle of Grunwald, 1410 (understood as a cultural artifact) in various works of art. The religious hymn Bogurodzica (Mother of God), known already before the Battle, after 1410 ... -
Głód autentyczności: o pewnym projekcie świata wpisanego w przekaz
(2012)The article analyses authenticity as a subject of interdisciplinary research undertaken by scholars from various fields e.g. philosophers of culture, psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, criminologists or art ... -
Ostatni poemat Tadeusza Hołuja
(2012)The article describes the discovery of the manuscript of Tadeusz Hołuj’s Ostatni poemat czyli rozczulanie się nad samym sobą (The Last Poem, or Self-pity). The author presents the circumstances of the discovery and the ... -
Doświadczenie erotyczne w literaturze nowoczesnej (na przykładzie utworów wybranych poetek)
(2012)The article focuses on the corporeal component and erotic experiences in the 20th century female poetry. Selected poems by Małgorzata Hillar and Marzanna Kielar have been subject to anthropological analysis in order to ... -
Nieznane wczesne przekłady Tadeusza Różewicza
(2012)The article has been written on the basis of a broad textual research, which allowed the author to pinpoint many inaccuracies in scholarly works on Różewicz. An especially valuable contribution to the research on the ... -
Zakazane dzielnice. O twórczości Doroty Masłowskiej
(2012)‘Forbidden districts’ is a metaphorical phrase for small town or big city areas which are difficult to access and inhabited by outsiders, people who do not belong to the worlds of politics, big business or mainstream ... -
Proza Manueli Gretkowskiej (II)
(2012)The author considers the works of Manuela Gretkowska after the year 2000. He distinguishes three separate genres in Gretkowska’s output: autobiographical writings (texts centred around Gretkowska’s own biography, private ... -
Tygodnik „Piast” w systemie krakowskiego nadzoru prasowego (1918–1939)
(2012)The article focuses on censorship and press confiscations in the interwar period, drawing on the example of the Piast weekly. The author begins by discussing the legal basis for the confiscations of the Piast and describing ... -
Koło Literacko-Artystyczne „Start” (1942–1944): epizod z dziejów życia literackiego polskiego wojennego uchodźstwa na Węgrzech
(2012)Amongst the Polish exiles who during the World War II found themselves in the Kingdom of Hungary, more than twenty had literary ambitions and regularly published their works. Eleven of them, mostly young, twenty-year-old ... -
Nowoczesny homo militans i narracje legionowe w Pamiętnikach generała broni Leona Berbeckiego
(2012)The literary value of Leon Berbecki’s diaries rests primarily on their narrative structure. The narrator recounting military exploits of the Polish Legions is a professional soldier, a veteran of Russo-Japanese war who ... -
Wśród znaków tragedii i ocalenia w poezji 1939–1945
(2012)The article analyses selected poems written between 1939 and 1945 and dealing with the issue of rescue. The poems of Stanisław Baliński, Tadeusz Borowski, Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński, Leon Zdzisław Stroiński, Tadeusz Gajcy ... -
Rapsodyczny „płaszcz niewyżebrany” Mieczysława Kotlarczyka
(2012)This theatre has been described as ‘born in captivity, fettered in its cradle’. Established in 1941 by Mieczysław Kotlarczyk on the initiative of Karol Wojtyła and his peers associated with the Theatrical Confraternity ... -
Doświadczenie codzienności w wybranych dziennikach z lat okupacji
(2012)In her study, the author focuses on the anthropology of daily life in occupied Poland. Her research is based on a large selection of war diaries written both during and immediately after the World War II. The study yields ... -
Meander czyli zapiski o „pięknym” Słowackim
(2012)Looking at the portrait of Juliusz Słowacki in Józef Reitzenheim’s biography (1862), in which the poet is wearing a white shirt with the characteristic wide-spreading collar, we see the poet as a ‘beautiful’ man. A ... -
Literacko-muzyczny dyptyk Wacława Rolicza-Liedera
(2012)The hybrydity the Young Poland’s modernist literature stems from the ideology of correspondence between literature and arts. Wacław Rolicz-Lieder’s Modlitwa na organy (A Prayer for Pipe Organ) from the Poems III (1895) ... -
Pielgrzym czy wygnaniec? Poszukiwanie tożsamości ludzi wykorzenionych
(2012)A search for identity by ‘the uprooted’, people forced into exile as a result of post-World War II changes in Europe, is a very frequent theme in the 20th century literature. An exile is a perennial wanderer, with no ... -
Nowelistyka Władysława Orkana wobec młodopolskich „izmów”
(2012)The article describes novellas by Władysław Orkan, situating them against the background of aesthetic and stylistic conventions dominant during the Young Poland period. Such analysis demonstrates that Orkan’s prose ... -
Mariana Zdziechowskiego uwagi o religii, sztuce i narodowej niepodległości
(2012)The study considers many aspects of Marian Zdziechowski’s writerly output. Special attention has been paid to his philosophical works, in which Zdziechowski attempts to reconcile the main precept of Catholic Modernism ...