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Polowanie na postmodernistów we wsi Maniowy
(2002)It was an opening paper of the academic conference The Polish Prose of the End of the 2th Century. Post- modernism?, which was organised by the Institute of Polish Philology in the village of Maniowy at the end of April ... -
O pewnym przypadku autobiografii w polskiej prozie po 1989 roku. Przymiarki do opisu
(2002)The article aims at presenting one of possible interpretations of autobiographism in the new Polish prose. It does not contain detailed analyses of particular novels but it focuses on the very interpretative device, ... -
Konteksty gatunkowe Miazgi Jerzego Andrzejewskiego
(2002)The main problem discussed in the article is an attempt at showing, naming and determining the functions of genres and genre categories included in the novel, which is an innovative literary piece, against the contemporary ... -
„Sztuka objawia życie!" Dialog życia i sztuki w twórczości Leopolda Buczkowskiego
(2002)The text of Art displays life! The dialogue between life and art in Leopold Buczkowski’s literary output was created as a result of reading two diaries of the author, namely Grząski sad and Powstanie na Żoliborzu. It ... -
Gombrowicz postmodernistą? Uwagi o filozoficznych kontekstach Kosmosu Witolda Gombrowicza
(2002)The subject matter of the text is a philosophical thought in Kosmos by Witold Gombrowicz and its links with the 19th and 20th centuries philosophy. There are discussed convergent reflections of the Polish writer with A. ... -
Śmiech postmodernistów
(2002)The work refers to comedy as one of the most essential indicators of post-modernist literary output. Arguing with the views of researchers who, especially in the theory of postmodernist parody and pastiche, marginalise ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 11. Studia Historicolitteraria 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2002) -
Proza Henryka Grynberga (Literatura żydowskiej pamięci)
(2002)The literary output of Henryk Grynberg, who is one of the most outstanding contemporary Polish writers of Jewish origin, centres on the theme of Holocaust, its origin and impact for future generations. The Holocaust was ... -
Ponowoczesność a "odkrywanie świata" w prozie Stanisława Czycza
(2002)Stanisław Czycz, a little known Polish writer, made his debut in prose in 1961 with a short story entitled And. The fear of a trap into a literary form is combined with distrust towards dehumanising rituals of the ... -
Proza kobieca lat dziewięćdziesiątych w świetle krytyki feministycznej
(2002)In the nineties of the twentieth century a literary debut of many women writers, such as Olga Tokarczuk, Izabela Filipiak and Manuela Gretkowska, was an interesting sociological phenomenon. These writers undertook tabu ... -
Jak zrobiony jest Weiser Dawidek Pawła Huellego i co z tego wynika
(2002)An attempt to describe the structure of the work made by the author of an interpretative study of Huelle’s novel leads to the answer to a bothering question of who Weiser Dawidek is. First person narrative limits the ... -
Dom dzienny, dom nocny Olgi Tokarczuk. W poszukiwaniu utraconej tożsamości
(2002)The article participates in the ‘post-modernist debate’ and attempts to look into the issue of post-modernism in the Polish native environment. The problems emerge as a result of the analysis of the novel by Olga Tokarczuk ... -
Kontrkultura i postmodernizm. Na przykładzie Teatru STU
(2002)As indicated in its title, the article presents the relations between the counter-culture and post-modernism. The author's standpoint is that those links are not always perceived and realised in the contemporary reflection ... -
Proza Manueli Gretkowskiej
(2002)The critical perception of Manuela Gretkowska’ prose was limited to its superficial aspects, that is her social, artistic and stylistic provocations, which made it harder or even impossible to reach for deeper senses and ... -
Czy realizm magiczny? O prozie Andrzeja Stasiuka
(2002)The prose of Andrzej Stasiuk does not undergo easy interpretation and description. Stasiuk’s subsequent works seem to follow different aesthetic formulas and different narrative rules. Dukla adds a new principle of ... -
Rekonesans metakrytycznoteatralny 1815-1916
(2002)The article refers to the elementary motifs in the Polish criticism of theatre criticism, or meta-criticism, perceived as a sequence of mental forms, from institutionalisation signed by a cryptonym of a review of Xs Society ... -
Wielogatunkowość "Sagi o wiedźminie" Andrzeja Sapkowskiego
(2002)Andrzej Sapkowski’s book resembles the saga because of its compilative nature, romantic plot, elements of a chronicle and the presence of Celtic and Roman motifs. According to the author himself ‘saga’ is not so much a ... -
Uwagi o stylu staropolskich relacji pamiętnikarskich
(2002)The study presents the diary style of two centuries (17th and 18th). Several texts were analysed (among others, diaries of Mikołaj Jemiołowski, Jakub Łoś, Joachim Jerlicz, Jakub Sobieski). The style of each of the recollections ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 12. Studia Historicolitteraria 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2002)Tom zawiera studia i szkice na temat literatury polskiej od XVII w. po lata 90. ubiegłego wieku. W jego obrębie w sposób szczególny zostały uwzględnione zagadnienia dotyczące zjawisk literackich XIX w., Młodej Polski, ... -
Kreacja króla Mendoga w „Trylogii dramatycznej" (Mendog Euzebiusza Słowackiego, Mindowe Juliusza Słowackiego, Mindaugas Justinasa Marcinkevičiusa)
(2002)The article situates Juliusz Słowacki’s drama between the father, Euzebiusz’s drama, which is a thematic inspiration for Mindowe, and the first part of historic trilogy entitled Mindaugas (1964) by Justinas Marcinkevičius. ...