Studia Historicolitteraria: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 61-80 z 491
Pożegnanie Profesora Marka Karwali
(2020) -
Literackość kazań księdza Janusza Stanisława Pasierba
(2020)Sermons of Reverend Janusz Stanisław Pasierb have a distinct literary character. This may be due to the fact that the preacher was both a poet and essayist. The first part of the paper contains a methodological reflection ... -
Oblicza Wolanda. Literackie studium postaci
(2020)The purpose of this paper is to present the description of Woland as one of the main characters of the novel by Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita, after gaining experience connected with the work on a new translation ... -
Literatura hiszpańskojęzyczna o władztwie religii katolickiej nad ciałem osób duchownych i konsekrowanych
(2020)Catholic religion presents an ambivalent attitude towards the body: it adores the tormented and resurrected body of Christ, but rejects human physicality, regarding it as a cause and consequence of sin. Such conviction ... -
Gorzkie żale w odbiorze licealistów
(2020)The starting point of the article is a cluster of reflections on the interdisciplinary potential of Lenten Lamentations (Gorzkie żale). Subsequently, the text moves on to present the arrangement, methodology and foundations ... -
The Ancient Sarmatians and the “Sarmatism” in Modern Eastern Europe (the Slovak Case)
(2020)Artykuł koncentruje się na rozwoju sarmatyzmu na ziemiach słowackich w okresie pomiędzy XVI a XIX wiekiem. W tym samym czasie ruch sarmacki rozwijał się w Polsce i na ziemiach słowackich, które znalazły się w granicach ... -
Lisowczycy, czyli Harasymowicz i mielizny poznania poetyckiego
(2020)The following paper is dedicated to the work by Jerzy Harasymowicz: Lisowczycy czyli rozpędzona korona polska czyli pułkownik Lisowski lub o nim summa zachwytów i krytyk gorących bezstronnego świadka ze siebie i z historii ... -
Historia sarmatica w poezji Jerzego Harasymowicza (prolegomena)
(2020)The paper is dedicated to recognising Sarmatian motifs in poetic collections of Jerzy Harasymowicz. The analysis of selected works proves that the poet had an excellent preparation for interpreting old literature. Poems ... -
Banderia Prutenorum, czyli poczet chorągwi krzyżackich obalonych piórem Jerzego z Krakowa
(2020)The paper is dedicated to the volume of poems by Jerzy Harasymowicz, entitled Banderia Prutenorum (1976). The author explores the dependence of this volume on a work of the same title, which was released in mid-15th ... -
Wojenne diagnozy literatury i kultury polskiej w Intermediach rybałtowskich Bolesława Leśmiana
(2020)The paper contains an analysis and interpretation of essays by Bolesław Leśmian from 1915 to 1916, published in Myśl Polska in the section ‘Intermedia rybałtowskie’. These texts, which concern literary life, are considered ... -
Miejsce tradycji. Refleksja autobiograficzna Wilhelminy Zyndram‑Kościałkowskiej
(2020)The paper is an attempt at showing – through the prism of autobiographical reflection – the location of tradition, as understood by Wilhelmina Zyndram‑ Kościałkowska (1844–1926), a translator, writer and literary critic. ... -
Potencjał błędu. Bat Country on LCD Leszka Onaka w mash‑upowym dialogu z Trenem I Jana Kochanowskiego
(2020)The text focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the poem Bat Country on LCD by Leszek Onak, which is a new media, subversive processing of Lament 1 – one of the threnodies by Jan Kochanowski, the work which is ... -
Jan Kochanowski w 1888 roku. Raport o stanie badań
(2020)In this paper, the author reconstructs a critical‑ literary discussion, which took place in 1888 after the release of the monograph devoted to Jan Kochanowski by Stanisław Tarnowski. It was an attempt at combining ... -
„Na Ukrainie za owych dobrych czasów” – Przed laty. Powieść ukraińska Paulina Święcickiego
(2020)The forgotten work and life of Paulin Święcicki (1841–1876), a writer from Kiev region and active in Galicia, represents a rare, authentic example of Polish‑ Ukrainian cultural border. His debut work entitled Przed laty. ... -
Ciało cierpiące i ontologiczne strzępy człowiecze w Śnie srebrnym Salomei Juliusza Słowackiego
(2020)The article relates to the issue of the suffering body in Juliusz Słowacki’s drama Sen srebrny Salomei. The first and the second part of the article are dedicated to the description of the main drama characters who are ... -
Kłopotliwe dziedzictwo sarmatyzmu. Romantyczni twórcy wobec postaci starosty kaniowskiego Mikołaja Bazylego Potockiego
(2020)The paper is not only an attempt at reconstructing the literary legend of Mikołaj Potocki, a governor from Kaniów, but also a story about the helplessness of the Polish 19th‑ century writers against the crazy magnate, ... -
Metoda wydawnicza Brygidy Kürbis
(2020)Brygida Kürbis, a medievalist from Poznań, who died in 2001, thanks to her publications, contributed a lot to increasing the importance of both editing medieval chronicles and source studies, which are auxiliary sciences ...