dc.description.abstract | The presentation of rural landscape in Maria Konopnicka’s poems for children is an attempt at reconstructing mechanisms of virtualisation of the recipient used by the poet. Among others, it refers to a particular use of the pronoun nasz (our) as an epithet, thanks to which a child identifies its nearest space and domesticates it emotionally. The picture is mainly composed of a home (a manor house or a rural cottage) with a clear anthropological semiotics. Presentation of this home is accompanied by customs and beliefs, which constitute the native rural environment.
Onomastics and zoonomastics play an important role in the creation of the world of the literary works under analysis. Most probably names of little characters were transferred from the known rural reality.
Space in the analysed poems is presented vertically and horizontally, because the rural reality is familiarised by the child not only sensorily (rich lexis influencing senses - vivid, onomatopoeic), but also through the medium of the sun.
Konopnicka had a great impact on children’s literature; she initiated an adequate discourse with the child, which has not undergone archaisation until now. The analysed texts prove that the poet managed to convey to a little reader a rich scale of emotions, she deepened aesthetic sensitivity and interest in the world, she expanded child’s knowledge, and made the child’s contact with the human environment and nature much closer. | en_EN |