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dc.contributor.authorRittel, Teodozjapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 31, Studia Logopaedica 1 (2006), s. [211]-233pl_PL
dc.description.abstractCultural space of educational discourse is filled with cultural translation metaphor. Cultural metaphor in texts by A. Mickiewicz, indicating so called common places (Lat loci communes), discovers definite sociocultural ( Polish and Slavonic) as well as aesthetic (the Bible, antiquity, folklore) motivations which influences the stylistic shape of an utterance. Astronomical metaphor in „Pan Tadeusz”, shown also in Slavonic translations, joins together different cultural patterns, e.g. Christian and antique, that can be systematized (see Czech translations) or chose one of them, e. g. antique (see Russian and Ukrainian translations). The crucial question in the paper is: How is it possible to translate Polish cultural metaphor used in „Pan Tadeusz” into another cultural tradition without destruction of the meaning of original text? Would it be suitable to use „a dictionaiy definition sequence” that will enable to discover a common collection of semantic „indefinibilia” in the analysed astronomical lexemes, which would involve Anna Wierzbicka’s hypothesis: some chosen by an interpreter elements of a definition sequence may become the starting- point for conceptualizations in text translation - it would enable to get to close set of cultural connotations.en_EN
dc.titleKonteksty słownictwa metaforycznego polskiego i obcego (na przykładzie metafory astronomicznej z "Pana Tadeusza")pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeContexts of Polish and foreign metaphorical lexicon (the example of astronomical metaphor in "Pan Tadeusz")en_EN

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