Low frequency admittance measurements of polycrystalline sodium niobate
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Bąk, Wojciech
Kuś, Czesław
Ptak, Wiesław Stanisław
Śmiga, Włodzimierz
Źródło: Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. 1988, nr 1084, Matematyka, Fizyka, Astronomia 53, s. 177-184
Język: en
Data: 1988
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
Complex admittance measurements for the polycrystalline sample of sodium niobate with nonstoichiometric
composition has been carried out at very low frequencies with the help of direct phase-amplitude method. Results
confirmes relaxation processes in the sample at these frequencies. Real part of admittance has been interpreted
as the conductivity of the sample. Activation energy od the ac conductivity has been determined and related to
the defect structure of the sample.