Studia Technica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 261-276 of 276
Badanie hybrydowego układu pozyskiwania energii odnawialnej
(2006)The paper presents the role of energetics of Renewable Energy Sources in electro-energetics. The theme of wind and solar energy as energy supplies is introduced. The chosen example of hybrid system of renewable energy is ... -
Znajomość terminów technicznych przez uczniów szkoły podstawowej
(2006)The knowledge of technical terms among pupils from primary school can be estimated on the base of their interest in technical studies. The interest is shown by the knowledge of terms from various technical fields and the ... -
Badania mikrostruktury i właściwości symulowanej strefy wpływu ciepła stali o dużej wytrzymałości
(2006)This work presents the results of a study concerning the structure and properties of heat- affected zone in high-strength low- alloy steels. The material for investigation were samples after heat treatment (single- and ... -
Jak pisać konspekt lekcji?
(2006)This article presents rules of writing a lesson conspect by teacher trainees, by the Author’s requirements, who prepares future teachers for their profession. It contains a piece of advice that may inspire creative work. -
Neuronowe wyznaczanie spektrów odpowiedzi od przebiegów drgań wybranej kondygnacji budynku
(2006)The paper deals with the application of neural networks for computation of response spectra on the fourth floor of a prefabricated medium-height building under seismic-type excitations. The subpicture idea from picture ... -
Modelowanie i analiza procesów plastycznej przeróbki metali z zastosowaniem metody elementów skończonych
(2006)The possibilities of application of computer simulation to analysis and optimization of plastic deformation processes are presented in the paper. The influence of friction on the upsetting process was analysed. The ... -
Właściwości materiałów ceramicznych spiekanych w warunkach wysokich ciśnień
(2006)The microstructure and mechanical properties of polycrystalline diamond compacts are strongly influenced by the type of applied bonding phase. In this paper, various aspects of diamond powders sintering with $Ti$, $TiC$, ... -
Metody syntezy diamentu
(2006)In the paper, some of the most popular methods of diamond synthesis are presented. Methods of graphite- and other carbonaceous starting materials conversion to diamond, as well as low-pressure methods of diamond synthesis ... -
Metoda szybkiego strojenia regulatorów PI i PID na podstawie wzmocnienia i odpowiedzi skokowej obiektu
(2006)The article deals with the new tuning method for digital and analog PI and PID controllers. The method is very simple; it is based on the desired model method and the three- parameter mathematical model of the plant. It ... -
Charakterystyki wysokotemperaturowego odkształcania stopu na osnowie związku międzymetalicznego $Ni_3Al$
(2006)The influence of boron additions on the formability of intermetallic compound $Ni_3Al$ was investigated. The addition of such elements as (wt.%): chromium (6,79 %), tantalum (4,9%), molybdenum (2,44%) and zirconium (0,96%) ... -
Własności mechaniczne i ewolucja struktury w wielofazowych stopach z układu Al-Ni
(2006)The influence of alloy in additions on the deformability and structure evolution of alloys based on $Ni_3Al$ intermetallic phase was investigated. The addition of such elements as chromium (8 at. %) and iron (2 at. %) or ... -
Właściwości mechaniczne kompozytów na osnowie stopów Al-Mg-Si wzmacnianych cząstkami $Al_2O_3$
(2006)This paper presents the analysis of mechanical characteristics of deformation (σ-ε) of composites based on AA6xxx aluminium alloys reinforced with $Al_2O_3$ particles of 10 and 20 μm in diameter in amounts 10 and 20 ... -
Przegląd modeli matematycznych maszyny indukcyjnej
(2006)In this paper chosen mathematical models of a three-phase squirrel-cage asynchronous motor, both in real and complex space, are introduced. Matrixes of transformation between the most frequently described coordinate systems ... -
Analiza wydzieleń w stali wysokochromowej z dodatkiem boru podczas długotrwałego pełzania
(2006)New martensitic 9% Cr steel with boron addition is purposed for steam turbine rotors working at ultra-supercritical conditions (<=650°C, >30 MPa). The particle distribution and high thermal stability of precipitates plays ... -
Analiza wielkości cząstek
(2006)The article is a discussion paper. It introduces problems connected with the estimation of the size of particles which occur as the solid phase in different arrangements, also colloidal. The paper describes basic advantages ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 32. Studia Technica 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2006)