Studia Technica: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 241-260 z 276
Praktyki pedagogiczne w opinii studentów kierunku Edukacja Techniczno-Informatyczna
(2008)Training placements are an integral part of pedagogical education of future teachers. The role of those placements is very important, concerning the organizers, like the Ministry of Education, the Academy, the Institute, ... -
Tajemnice powodzenia dydaktycznego nauczyciela techniki
(2008)The author of this article presents the elements which decide the efficiency of the teaching process. She aims to determine what has the most significant influence on results of pedagogical work of a teacher. This analysis ... -
Zmienne lingwistyczne w neuronowej analizie wybranych problemów drgań budynków podlegających wstrząsom górniczym
(2008)The paper deals with an application of neural networks for identification of fundamental periods of building vibrations and for evaluation of soil-structure interaction in the case of ground vibrations transmission from ... -
Komputerowa analiza rozkładu temperatury w obudowie komputera osobistego
(2008)This paper presents the numerical analysis of the temperature distribution in a computer case. The calculations were carried out using CosmosFloWorks commercial software, based on the finite element method. Three variants ... -
Komputerowa analiza przepływu powietrza na powierzchni karoserii samochodowej
(2008)In this work the computer analysis of airflow arround car body was made. The pressure on front surface of truck and airflow trajectories for different cab profiles were calculated. The calculations were carried out using ... -
Ceramiczne tworzywa porowate, otrzymywanie i zastosowanie
(2008)The sintering of the alumina porous preforms for the reinforcing of the composite materials is discussed in this paper. Among all the techniques available for processing of metal matrix composites, infiltration of molten ... -
Projektowanie regulatorów konwencjonalnych metodą syntezy bezpośredniej
(2008)The paper is devoted to a conventional controller design by the direct synthesis method. On the basis of synthesis equation for the first order plant plus time delay the computational formulas for controller adjustable ... -
Układy sterowania silnika indukcyjnego
(2008)The article present the survey of the most applied induction motor’s control systems. There are shown classic control systems of induction motor’s rotational speed by applying change of number of poles per phase winding, ... -
Ocena wybranych własności fizykochemicznych wód na przykładzie wyników pomiarów z ZUW i stacji SANEPID
(2008)The chosen parameters of water that determine its usefulness for drinking and economic purposes are presented in this article. The chosen examples of water usefulness take into account the following parameters: colour ... -
Rozważania na temat możliwości wpływu efektu cieplarnianego na zmianę parametrów klimatycznych atmosfery
(2008)While discussing the global situation of Earth’s natural environment and changes in the physical characteristics of atmosphere which cause climate change, the most frequently mentioned is the greenhouse effect. The ... -
Koncepcja i wyniki badań eksperymentalnych filtru objętościowego wielowarstwowego
(2008)Experimental research shows that dry air filters based on filter paper are marked by a considerable change of characteristics, progressing with time of operation. With a stable air-stream flowing through the filter, there ... -
Stopy magnezu dla przemysłu motoryzacyjnego
(2008)The automotive industry shows an interest in magnesium alloys due to the necessity to reduce weight of car components, and thereby to improve fuel economy and reduce $CO_2$ emission. The aim of this paper is to provide ... -
Bezradność nauczycieli techniki i informatyki wobec zagrożeń szkolnych
(2008)The article shows the problem of insufficient preparation of graduates to work as teacherseducators; in schools, they face many problems connected with pupils’ violence against peers and teachers. The article shows the ... -
Zastosowanie popiołu lotnego ze spalania węgla kamiennego jako osnowy ziarnowej mas formierskich utwardzanych chemicznie
(2008)The article presents the physicochemical, structural and textural proprieties of the fly-ash and the fly-ash after the pressure agglomeration. The obtained agglomerate was used as grain of moulding sands with the hydrated ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 52. Studia Technica 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2008) -
Szkła metaliczne - charakterystyka, własności i zastosowania
(2006)Metallic glasses, due to their particular properties, belong to a unique and interesting class of materials. This work presents amorphous materials used as components of devices and structures in different shapes, e.g.: ... -
Zastosowanie techniki komputerowej w usuwaniu zjawiska nosowania u dzieci z uszkodzonym narządem słuchu
(2006)This paper presents new opportunities of using the computer in eliminating the nasalization process. All kinds of nasality, closed, opened and mixed, were taken into consideration. This article also presents the possibility ... -
Metoda doboru nastaw regulatorów przy pożądanym modelu matematycznym układu regulacji
(2006)The article deals with the original tuning method, which is unified for digital and analog controllers. The method is very simple and it enables to obtain the desired overshoot from 0 to 50% for plants with time delay. -
Socjalno-ekologiczne problemy agrosfery Małopolski w świetle badań
(2006)The article reviews the opinions of inhabitants of the Małopolska rural areas about social and ecological problems of the community. The report reflects the moods of the country society and the people’s knowledge about the ...