Przeglądaj 2008, Studia Sociologica 2 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-13 z 13
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 54. Studia Sociologica 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2008)Oddanie niniejszego, drugiego numeru Studiae Sociologicae Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie zbiegać się będzie z ważkim wydarzeniem w dziejach Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii Wydziału Humanistycznego i całej Uczelni, ... -
Od filozofii ku socjologii. Floriana Znanieckiego program reformy nauk humanistycznych
(2008)The article deals with the issue of reformulating the status of human sciences, undertaken by Florian Znaniecki on the background of the anti-positivist turn at the beginning of the 20th century. His programme of reforming ... -
Transformacje kobiety w gotycyzmie. Kulturowa feminizacja zła
(2008)Modern Gothicism is a cultural hybrid, a sinister bricolage, that uses and transforms many classic archetypes, myths and elements, known from centuries. With a unique ability of transgression and modifications, it has ... -
Kształtowanie polskiej regionalnej elity administracyjnej a wyzwania reintegracji Górnego Śląska w latach 1918-1939
(2008)In 1922, Upper Silesia was reincorporated into Poland. This article aims to explore the challenges presented by the region’s reintegration into inter-war Poland after more than five hundred years of separation. Among the ... -
Kryminologia humanistyczna Leona Tyszkiewicza jako przykład koncepcji integracyjnej
(2008)The reason for recalling Tyszkiewicz’s humanist criminology is the discussion of the phenomenon of crime, going in Poland and other countries. The concept is presented against the background of the state of the art of ... -
Socjologiczny wymiar logopedii
(2008)Calling for a multidisciplinary approach to logopedics, the present article follows the – so important nowadays - currents of cognitive science, which propose a holistic view of the questions of mind and cognition in ... -
Spór o kulturowe uwarunkowania demokracji
(2008)Problems connected with the democratization of societies from outside the circle of European civilization give rise to politically-theoretical doubts and disagreement concerning the socio-cultural conditions of establishing ... -
Kobiety na polskim rynku pracy
(2008)In Poland, women’s situation in the job market is much worse than men’s. Despite the fact that statistically women are better educated than men, they have fewer possibilities of finding a job and constitute the majority ... -
Czy mamy w Polsce chadecję?
(2008)The author begins from constructing a model of a Christian democratic party to analyse in turn sociopolitical conditions which gave rise to the emergence of such parties in Western Europe. Next, the model is applied to ... -
Krakowskie "blokowiska" w sondażu studenckim
(2008)The present survey has been conducted by the students of the Philosophy Department of the Cracow Pedagogical University, as part of their course in sociological research methodology (including different types of surveys ... -
Sens czy bezsens stosowania aktu łaski generalnej jako środka resocjalizacji? O amnestiach w obliczu doświadczeń Polski Ludowej
(2008)In the first part, the author of the article describes the detailed form of the act of grace in the form of amnesty. The general assumptions of the theory of law, criminology and politics concerning amnesty are presented, ... -
Socjolog wobec odmiany nazwisk we współczesnej polszczyźnie prasowej
(2008)The interest in surnames is not unusual among scientists. Surnames and their socio-cultural dimensions are the topic of ethnographic, historical, and sociological works, but most of all – concerning the number of studies ... -
Obchody Tygodnia Ligi Obrony Powietrznej i Przeciwgazowej na terenie województwa krakowskiego w 1936 roku
(2008)The article is a contribution to the research into the history of the Airborne and Antigas Defence League, a mass social organisation, which functioned in Poland between the two World Wars. In the 1930s the League ...