2013, Studia Poetica 1
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Niekanoniczny reportaż Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego Podróże z Herodotem
(2013)The article aims at explaining the uniqueness of Ryszard Kapuściński’s writing and how it differs from the traditional model of genological reportage. The features characteristic for this type of creativity were described ... -
Poetyka pustego miasta. Pejzaże urbanistyczne w katastroficznej science fiction
(2013)Post-apocalyptic novel – a catastrophic branch of science fiction devoted to the vision of civilization ruined by some sort of a cataclysm – managed to form a separate poetics of space creation. Images of the presented ... -
Gdy Miłosz i Masłowska wsiadają do metra
(2013)The article is an interpretation of Esse by Czesław Miłosz and a fragment of a book by Dorota Masłowska Darling, I killed our cats (Kochanie zabiłam nasze koty). It presents similarities and differences in the perception ... -
Efekt przełomu, czyli czy rozmowy o kanonie mają sens
(2013)The article discusses the existence and functioning of the notion of canon in the social consciousness after 1989 in the context of Polish prose of the last twenty years. It points to two semantic circles connected with ... -
Moja jesień, te bardzo chore nogi mojej matki, te publiczne domy moich lubelskich przyjaciół. Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki i naśladowanie niczego
(2013)The article – which is an abridged version of a paper presented on a conference devoted to new views on the category of realism – has two aims. Firstly, to think over the traditional way of formulating the effect of ... -
Wariantywność poetyckich traktatów Urszuli Kozioł
(2013)Poetic treaties frequently appear in the later writings of Urszula Kozioł. Three volumes of poems: Supliki (2005), Przelotem (2007) and Horrendeum (2010) provide examples of individual uses of this canonical form, and ... -
„Słyszę ich głosy”. Hymnus trium puerorum Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza wobec Dziadów wileńsko-kowieńskich Adama Mickiewicza
(2013)The article compares the poem by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz Hymnus trium puerorum with Dziady by Adam Mickiewicz to show how processed and personalized heritage of romanticism becomes a part of the modern classical attitude ... -
Niewierna fraza. Semantyka przerzutni w Mieczysława Jastruna przekładach Das Buch der Bilder Rainera Marii Rilkego
(2013)The article discusses a broadly understood relation between the translation of a poetic text and versification. Assuming that reading a poem (as well as its translation) is always an interpretation that heavily depends ... -
(De)kanonizujące wymiary powiastki filozoficznej. Casus Jerzego Szaniawskiego
(2013)The article is an attempt of describing the relation of a philosophical tale as a genre to the canon. It is characterized as (de)canonization: on the one hand the story fights with the existing canon by means of satire, ... -
Ingardenowskie rozumienie pojęć treść i forma dzieła sztuki literackiej
(2013)The article reconstructs the development of Ingarden’s viewpoint on the notions of content and form of a literary work of art. The author of the article thus calls up a specific methodological proposition formulated by ... -
O Polsce z perspektywy XVII wieku w proroczych wizjach Wojciecha Dembołęckiego
(2013)The article is an attempt of presenting creative works of priest Wojciech Dembołęcki in the context of various canons of perceiving a written text (defined according to different criteria and rules) – from the genological ... -
"Przekroje" poetyckie - od Trembeckiego do Grochowiaka
(2013)The tactic of inquiring reading (close reading, explikation de texte) focuses mainly on the text’s subject – it is beneficial if it is of topical character. It is then easier to find and interprete intertextual connections ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 145. Studia Poetica 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2013)