Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 761-780 z 8723
Edukacja szkolna wobec identyfikacji narodowych
(2012)The article presents an educational reality diagnosis from the perspective of the shaping of students’ national identity. The background for changes in the relationship between school and youth outlined in the article ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 124. Studia de Arte et Educatione 7. Tożsamość w literaturze i sztuce czasów nowoczesnych i w epoce postmodernizmu. Ujęcie transdyscyplinarne
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2012)Zbiór prezentuje artykuły przygotowane w związku z badaniami nad tożsamością w różnych dziedzinach kultury, szczególnie w czasach najnowszych, ale także w wybranych przykładach twórczości dawniejszej. Zawiera proste ... -
Obraz współczesny, czyli w co gramy
(2011)At the beginning a sign was a signum. It manifested itself through the presence of human experience, beliefs, hopes and their participation in culture in the core of the word-sign – a word which, as was believed, attempted ... -
Malarstwo – zguba i ocalenie
(2011)Polish language textbooks have changed greatly since their introduction into the educational system. The illustrative part is currently strongly emphasised as it is a factor that may determine teachers’ choice. The author ... -
Obraz we współczesnych podręcznikach szkolnych do języka polskiego. Refleksja nad książkami szkolnymi do literatury i kultury w gimnazjum
(2011)The article concentrates on the functioning of materials in literature and culture textbooks for lower secondary school students. Its author reflects on a picture and its place in didactics. He situates the picture in ... -
„Czytanie” obrazu jako inspiracja do filozofowania na lekcji języka polskiego. Buty van Gogha w szkolnej „Sokrates café”
(2011)The article deals with the issue of legitimacy, function, place, selection and the role of sensible presence of paintings as a material analyzed during the classes of the Polish language for students aged 10 to 12. The ... -
Ilustrowanie jako zapis doświadczenia kreacji
(2011)In the first part of this article the author describes a book “Magiczne kamienie” (“Magic stones”) which engages its reader into some activities that are later on noted down in the form of a text and stone illustrations. ... -
Ilustracje dla dzieci Józefa Wilkonia
(2011)The sketch treats about selected examples of Józef Wilkoń’s illustrations for children books. The artist has been collaborating with publishing houses since 1957 and is continuously improving his artistic techniques. He ... -
Czytanie i oglądanie z dzieckiem. Wybrane problemy ilustracji we współczesnych książkach dla dzieci
(2011)The author of the article discusses the issue of illustrations in children books. She places the problems connected with the topic in a wider historical and social context by taking the relationship between the editorial ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 100. Studia de Arte et Educatione 6. Wokół słowa, obrazu i edukacji
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011)Trudno w jednym tomie Rocznika zawrzeć wielość problematyki związanej z połączeniem obrazu i tekstu. Czas zmienia zarówno dostępność literatury, możliwości jej zapisu i przechowywania, jak i gusty czytelników. Nie ... -
O iluzji czasu, sklonowanym życiu, wirtualnym raju, sztuce i edukacji w Second Life
(2010)The author uses the term virtual world to describe Second Life (SL), the product of the US company Linden Lab from San Francisco launched in 2003. Using avatars, its users move in a three-dimensional space as in many ... -
Warsztat podręczny Juliana Jończyka
(2010)Art historians tend to identify Julian Jończyk with a few trends in art such as material painting at the outset of his work in the 2nd half of the 1950ies and concrete poetry, as well as performance and environment ... -
Szalone lata 80. i 90. Wokół grafiki własnej
(2010)The text contains the author’s reflections upon his own printmaking output created over the two decades, but it also goes back to the 1970ies and describes the atmosphere at the printmaker’s workshops at the Academy of ... -
Peregrynacje prywatne. O rysunkach Piotra Jargusza
(2010)The paper is an impression concerning Piotr Jargusz’s drawings: their inspirations, their creation methods and their presentation to the public. -
Wola i okiełznanie
(2010)The text presents the meeting with Piotr Jargusz and his art which introduces the artist’s dynamic personality, habitual residence, emotional journeys and his deep relation with family and memory. All these ... -
Przeżycie, refleksja, obraz, czyli parę słów o własnej twórczości
(2010)Jacek Zaborski attempts to approach his own output in the field of lithography. Among others, he describes and analyzes works from the years 1983-1995. At that time, as he points out, he was driven by a ... -
Tkanina i papier jako alternatywne środki obrazowania
(2010)The author points out an important issue such as the broadening of the definition of a picture. This is facilitated, inter alia, by the creation of dimensional works whose form may be associated with relief ... -
Technologia współczesnej polichromii. Wybrane zagadnienia malarstwa ściennego
(2010)The article focuses on issues related to contemporary wall painting. The author of the article, familiar with the topic from his own practical experience, argues as follows: he stresses that what decides about the level ... -
Cyfrowy malarz
(2010)The author of the text raises the question of what a contemporary artist may expect from digital technology and computers. Answering this question, the author, inter alia, points out that contemporary ... -
Wykorzystanie starej techniki fotograficznej w malarstwie
(2010)The text discusses a number of issues related to a contemporary application of a gum bichromate technique, invented in the mid-19th century, in the painter’s workshop. The author provides examples from the ...