Studia de Securitate: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 41-60 z 184
Genezowanie bezpieczeństwa
(2019)Pursuing security, i.e. the expected state, free from threats requires conducting scientific research, which show that security undergoes dramatic changes , is a complex and intricate matter to study and it is not possible ... -
„Niebieskie Karty” a bezpieczeństwo w rodzinie. Założenia, statystyki, perspektywy
(2019)To provide the citizens safety is one of the most important state’s tasks. Despite that family integrity is protected by the constitutional norms, the country should react to threats of danger in a family undoubtedly. ... -
Wiktymologia – charakterystyka ofiar przestępstw
(2019)Criminology as a field of science from the beginning of its existence dealt with the criminal and institutions that deal with crime prevention. However, at the end of the 1940s, this science has begun to conduct research ... -
Geneza „ukraińskich zmian” w ustawie o Instytucie Pamięci Narodowej z 2018 r.
(2019)The author of this paper describes genesis of „ukrainian changes” to the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance from January 2018. The article focuses on the aspects of politics of memory used in current political ... -
Proces przemian w regionalnej i globalnej przestrzeni bezpieczeństwa w pierwszych dwóch dekadach po Zimnej Wojnie w odniesieniu do byłych państw bloku socjalistycznego z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (wybrane aspekty)
(2019)The article presents the changes in the international security environment in the post Cold War world, especially in view of the post Communist Middle-East European countries. The most important changes connected with ... -
Prywatność w Sieci – wybrane zagadnienia
(2019)The development of new technology makes that information about us is collected on a massive scale. Almost every our activity leaves a trail (e.g. credit cards). Especially a lot of these trails we leave using the ... -
Istota muzułmańskiego bezpieczeństwa rodziny w odniesieniu do dziecka w obszarze Hedānat, Velāyat-e nafs i Velāyat-e amvāl na przykładzie ustawodawstwa Islamskiej Republiki Afganistanu
(2019)The article aims to clarify the essence of the security of the Muslim family with regard to the child. It focuses on rights and duties of the parents in hedānat, velāyat-e nafs, velāyat-e tarbiyat. The author refers to ... -
Wybrane prawne aspekty kradzieży tożsamości w cyberprzestrzeni
(2019)The aim of the article is to present the basic concepts of impersonation crimes, often referred colloquially as identity theft. A brief analysis of the provisions of the penal code referring to this crime is the starting ... -
Ołowiany grad: rozwój i główne uwarunkowania działania artylerii w XX wieku
(2019)The aim of the article is to present a historical outline of the use of artillery in the 20th century. The author indicates the main conditions and milestones of artillery development during this period. Then, the main ... -
Wojna, bitwa, walka... Ramy tematyczne w relacjonowaniu parlamentarnej kampanii wyborczej w Polsce w 2015 roku
(2019)The aim of the article is to present and analyze framing in media coverage of parliamentary election in Poland in 2015. The research uses media content analysis to identify framing of elections as war, battle and fight ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 266. Studia de Securitate 9 (1)
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2019)Oddajemy w ręce naszych czytelników kolejny numer czasopisma „Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Securitate”. Jest to jednocześnie pierwszy numer czasopisma, który ukazuje się jako kwartalnik. ... -
Teodor Kocwa (nota biograficzna)
(2012) -
Władysław Furka (nota biograficzna)
(2012) -
Konstruowanie szkolnych programów kształcenia – teoria a praktyka
(2012)Using many years of practical experience and performing constant observations and studies in construction of educational programs – the author of the essay conducted the analysis of means and conditions of creating ... -
Antycypacja konstruktywnej edukacji – projekcja wyzwań i zadań
(2012)The aim of the article was to introduce the readers to the issue of implementing constructive education to teacher’s training. The question set at the beginning of the article is: are schools sensitive to changing cultural ... -
Edukacja dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym z zakresu pierwszej pomocy
(2012)The article presents the results of the tests describing changes in a knowledge structure of six-year-old children. The changes took place after introducing educational strategy of the first aid. The goal of this strategy ... -
Agresja uczniów a bezpieczeństwo szkolne
(2012)The article ‘Pupils’ aggression and school safety’ describes the problem of agression in school enviroment. The authors of the article tried to show the methods of improving pupils’ safety. Security and good condition ... -
Bezpieczna młodzież?
(2012)This article concerns the subject of youth safety in Nowa Huta neighbourhood. It is based on a survey carried out among the students in one of the technical colleges and trade schools. It compares the survey and the ...