Przeglądaj 2010, Studia de Securitate et Educatione Civili 1 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 27
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 76. Studia de Securitate et Educatione Civili 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2010) -
Antoni Jan Tomasz Grębosz
(2010) -
Aspiracje życiowe młodzieży polskiej i Polonii kanadyjskiej u progu XXI wieku
(2010)At the beginning of the 21st century, on the background of broad civilization transformations, the problem of life aspirations has special meaning. A contemporary man can not use the complete patterns of life aspirations ... -
Augustyn Rafalski
(2010) -
Bezpieczeństwo jako wartość we współczesnej szkole
(2010)In my article, I concentrate on what educational values are, especially safety. I emphasize the role that parents and school play, teaching children how to live a safe but active life. I also refer to my research on ... -
Bezpieczeństwo narodowe w aspekcie edukacji społeczeństwa w dobie terroryzmu
(2010)The author of the article presents terrorism as an extraordinarily complex and multi-purpose phenomenon. To know that, public education should focus on its causes, mechanisms and consequences. The public should be aware ... -
Bezpieczeństwo szkoły w opinii szkolnych podmiotów wychowania
(2010)This article is a review of the research concerning teachers and their pupils in selected secondary schools throughout Cracow in 2007–2008. The research data show that the teachers assessed the situation of school safety ... -
Bogusław Tadeusz Rybski
(2010) -
Kompetencje z zakresu pierwszej pomocy nauczycieli przedszkoli
(2010)This article describes the results of a diagnostic research of preschool teachers concerning their knowledge of First Aid. 300 teachers currently employed in the Małopolskie region were tested. The results of the research ... -
Leon Mirecki
(2010) -
Metoda czterech kroków jako innowacyjny sposób nauczania praktycznych umiejętności udzielania pierwszej pomocy
(2010)The article presents the issue of innovation in school practice, and identifies the factors responsible for teachers’ unwillingness to adopt modern teaching methods. The main goal of the article, however, is promoting ... -
Podniesienie jakości kształcenia i doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli w wybranych krajach członkowskich, w kontekście wspólnych celów systemów edukacji w Unii Europejskiej do 2010 roku
(2010)Teachers and trainers are the most essential actors in the overall strategy towards a knowledge society and a knowledge-based economy. Europe needs to improve the ways in which teachers are prepared for, and supported ... -
Polskie doświadczenia funkcjonowania samoobrony w zakresie ochrony i ratownictwa ludności
(2010)The author presents the functioning of self-defence before the time of emergence of the democratic structures in Poland. The concept of self-defence has its source in the natural right to counter the life and property threats. ... -
Przestępczość nieletnich w środowisku szkolnym
(2010)The article describes the problems of crimes committed at schools. Juvenile delinquency is an issue in all developed societies. The author describes the results of the research conducted in schools; also police materials ...