Przeglądaj 2020, Studia Linguistica 15 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 32
Kilka uwag o pojęciu leksykalnego ekosystemu (na przykładzie języka polskiego)
(2020)Bringing together basic assumptions of posthumanism and ecocriticism the essay critically explores the thesis of the fundamentally anthropocentric nature of language pointing at the nonanthroponormative element present ... -
Językowo-kulturowy obraz ziemi bocheńskiej utrwalony w mikrotoponimii gminy Żegocina
(2020)The subject of the article is the reconstruction of the image of the Bochnia land based on the analysis of toponyms collected in the commune of Żegocina. Toponymic linguistic material was examined in the context of ... -
Ideonimy książek dla przedszkolaków. Wprowadzanie dziecka w świat nazw
(2020)The article is a linguistic analysis of the selected book titles intended for preschool children. In the main part of the work, the authors focus on describing the structure and the semantics of the individual ideonyms. ... -
Dwa nazwiska i jeden przydomek z Warmińskiej sagi [...] Edwarda Cyfusa
(2020)The article explains the etymology of two surnames (Cyfus, Stynka / Stinka) and one nickname replacing a surname very popular in the region (Karaśniki). All anthroponyms occur in Edward Cyfus Warmian saga, which is popular ... -
Tytuły jako skrzydlate słowa
(2020)The article discusses the issue of the “second life” of titles which, separated from the original text, start to function in the texts of other authors as winged words. The author has described the works that have been ... -
O staropolskich derywatach z sufiksem -ota
(2020)The article presents a description of the Old Polish nominal derivatives with the suffix -ota in terms of their etymology, word–formation and semantics. In addition, the issue of the productivity of nouns was raised – ... -
Od prorokini do marszałkini, czyli o derywacji w miarę potrzeb
(2020)The subject of the article is the asymmetry of gender in the Polish language, especially as far as the names of the prestigious professions and functions are concerned (i.e. feminatives). It also considers the function ... -
Humorous and Non-Humorous Effects in Sitcoms: a Relevance-Theoretic Perspective
(2020)Humorous utterances can be divided into those which are created for their own sake (that is, to amuse others), dubbed autotelic humour, and those which communicate truthful and/or untruthful meanings germane to the ongoing ... -
Funkcjonalność gier językowych w prasie drugiego obiegu wydawniczego końca lat 70. XX wieku
(2020)The article presents the functionality of language games in texts representing the unofficial press discourse of the late ‘70s (press). The non-censorship journalism of the second publishing circulation, published outside ... -
The Representation of the Capital of Kazakhstan in Central Asia Online News Coverage: a Corpus-Assisted Analysis
(2020)Central Asia (CA) is a region spanning five countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan) which emerged after the fall of the Soviet Union. Recently, the biggest CA country – Kazakhstan – ... -
KRAKÓW w derywacji onomastycznej
(2020)The subject of the paper are derivatives of the name Kraków in toponymy and anthroponymy of Polish and some other languages. They form numerous, varied names (local, regional, ethnic, personal). However, they do not ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 306. Studia Linguistica 15
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2020) -
Topograficzno-historyczna geneza nazw własnych krakowskich mostów i innych budowli służących przeprawie
(2020)The following paper is dedicated to the analysis of 41 proper names (including 18 historical names) of structures in Cracow used for crossing water and terrain, identified architecturally as bridges, footbridges, trestle ... -
O czym nie napisał Marcin Bielski, czyli o pewnym rodzaju uwag metatekstowych w Kronice, to jest historyi świata (1564)
(2020)The article discusses a selected group of metatextual comments made in the 3rd edition of Marcin Bielski’s Kronika published in 1564. The analysis focuses on those referring to the contents of his Chronicle, i.e. the ... -
Imiona i derywaty odimienne używane na polskiej Warmii w XIX wieku
(2020)The article presents first names and derivatives derived from first names, used in families in Warmia in the 19th century. The material was gathered from the work of W. Barczewski, Kiermasy in Warmia. Names in Warmian ... -
Zapożyczenia z języków romańskich i ich obecność w materiałach do nauki języka polskiego jako obcego
(2020)The article presents borrowings adopted from Romance languages wich can be found in educational aids for teaching Polish as a foreing language. The text focuses on the percentage share of borrowings in dictionnaries and ... -
Miejsce gwary opoczyńskiej w lokalnej prasie (na przykładzie kieleckich „Przemian”)
(2020)The local press is hardly ever used for dialectological studies. Press texts from the Kielce monthly “Przemiany”; 1970–1989 can be a valuable source of language material for both the study of the language system of the ...