Rola spójników w strukturze tekstu mówionego : analiza statystyczna
Zarębina, Maria
xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-citation: Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Gdański. Filologia Polska. Prace Językoznawcze. Nr 16 (1992), s. 273-279
xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-iso: pl
spójnikitekst mówiony
Date: 1992
Show full item recordAbstract
This 16 fascicle of the Papers of the Linguistics Department of the University of Gdańsk has been devoted to prof. dr hab. Ludwik Wierzbowski on the occasion of his 65-th birthday. At the beginning, therefore, his pupils B. Rocławski and E. Breza have discussed his life and variety of achievements; there has been inserted as well a bibliography of the celebrators works and the names of the B.Sc-s promoted by him. The authors, who have dedicated their works to the celebrator, consider: M. Bańko the numeric data in the Polish-English vocabulary minimum; J. Bień - the conception of the letter; M. Biolik - the derivativc of the names of seven bodies of water near Elbląg that are of a difficult and complicated ethymology; A. Bochnakowa - XVIII century French-Latin-Polish dictionary elaborated by Kola (Kola in the nominative); E. Breza - the Pomeranian name Cherek or Herek (and similar variants), derived either from the name Hieronim or from the common word cherek „an ill man”; J. Bukowski - linguistics problems connected with machine translation; E. Czerniakowska - Cashubian names for the willow tree (Salix fragilis) in E. G. Mrongowiusz’s dictionaries; W. Iwicki - dimunitive names among the inhabitants Baborowo, the Opole district; W. Gruszczyński - order of entries in grammar dictionaries on the example of the Rumanian language; E. Jakus-Borkowa - ethnic name with the suffix - any in western Slovania; U. Kęsik- names of places of cult in K. Przerwa-Tetmajer’s poetry; B. Kreja - the base and geography of Polish local names ending with the sauffix - nik; J. Maćkiewicz - area on which there occur certain internationalisms; B. Mossakowska - names ending with the suffix - ak in Blichowo, the Płock district from XVII - XIX c.; R. Pawłowska - a grammatic and semantic analyses of the sentence „Jan pożyczył książkę Ewie”, B. Rocławski - a comparison of the phonetics of the Polish and Esperanto languages; E. Rogowska - several botanical names in the plural, treating the botanical name as the result of pluralizing (type łza - łzy' śnieguliczka, Symphoricarpos albus); Z. Saloni - description of the Polish declenstion of the adjective; W. P. Schmid - ethymology of the ethnic name of Kurowie (≤ praindoeur - core = kṛ s, “biec, Latin - curro"); G. Surma - historical and contemporary names of the village population in the Opoczyn district; B. Szczepińska - gender indicating variations in the language of her own 2,5 years old daughter; J. Treder - ethymology of the names of small Cashubian regions „so called”choronyms”); Zabory: beyond the forest (Tuchola forests), Krubany: kurhan „a clay pot” and Gachy, name of a person Gach; M. Zarębina - the role of conjunctions in the structure of a spoken text, establishing the so-called rank of many Polish conjunctions.